1. Years and Years

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If you haven't already, please read 'Cinderella' as this is Part 2! Trust me it will make way more sense lol.

Chapter One

*Hyolyn's POV*

So. You're probably wondering what happened next.

Well, let me give you a quick refresher.

*Flashback 5 Years*

Looking around, the billboards lit up the night sky. Cars lights created strobe lights in the intersection, people's voices made music in the early morning.

3AM. The clock changed on the wall.

The sudden crack came to my ribs, everything moving in slow motion.

But I wasn't sad as my head hit the concrete.

I wasn't sad as I felt my neck snap backwards, my back twisting.

No. I'm not sad.

I got what I wanted.

I heard the screams of 'stay with me'.

But I can't. The night sky turned to a blazing white. Everything around me turned to a blazing white.

It's no longer darkness. It's finally my time.

The screams and cries soon faded out as everything turned white, the scars on my body slowly disappearing.

I'm no longer in the darkness.

I can finally let go.


So, yes. Technically, I did die (for the 3rd time). BUT! I'm alive! Tada!

Wanna know how? Well, here's another flashback.


I lay on a cold hard table. Trying to open my eyes proved hard. What happened?

The last thing I remember was a loud truck horn.

Oh. I remember.

The truck hit me. Like I wanted it to. Why did I want it to?

Hansol. He was there. I remember his voice asking me to stay with him. Why did I walk in front of the truck?

Finally, I managed to open my eyes, but I couldn't move. Why can I not feel my legs?

"I wouldn't move too much, if I were you," a voice said from behind me. Trying to crane my neck to see who it was proved useless. "Hyolyn honestly, don't move." That voice. I know it.  

A moment later, the voice came in front of me. Bora. 

"You broke you back and leg when you walked in front of the truck. And then died for a bit. Don't worry, it was all part of the plan."

"What plan? Bora where am I?" 

"Underground," she said, moving some hair from my face. "You got hit by the truck, then the ambulance we paid off picked you up kept you alive for a bit. Then the boys saw you dead on the table for a bit, fucked them up pretty good," she added a laugh to that part. Boys? What boys? "Then we brought you back to life again. Because, you know. I need you and stuff. Aaaaaanyway, you had a funeral, closed casket," she added. "Obviously there's nothing in the casket. It's been about a month I'd say? They fixed you leg and back, but it will take some time to heal."

Happily Ever After // SeventeenWhere stories live. Discover now