5. Sweaters and Stars

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Chapter Five

*Wonwoo's POV*

Standing in front of the fridge, I sighed. Seeing there wasn't really anything I wanted, I turned and sat at the table, head in my hands. Memories swam around my head of her. I know she wasn't mine in the end, and it was my fault.

Well, it wasn't my fault, it was his fault, but when all is said and done, I hurt her. And there's no way I can take any of it back.

Closing my eyes, I smiled as a song came on, reminding me of her.


"Oppa, nooooo, it's cold," running away from me, she was laughing her cute little laugh. Alright it might be turning a little evil because she has been hanging around with Woozi a bit too much, but it was still cute.

"Yah punk! Give me my hoodie back!" Sliding around the corner after her, she ran into the lounge, throwing herself onto the sofa.

"Correcting, this is our hoodie now. Oh so cozy," pulling the strings tighter around her face, I grabbed her cheeks.

"You are so lucky you are cute." Feeling her hands on my chest, she pulled me to sit under the blanket with her.

"Here," pulling my head to the side, she plugged her other headphone in my ear. "I like this song," she whispered snuggling into my side. "I would go as far as saying it's my favourite."

"What about any of my songs?" Scowling down at her, a smile played on her lips.

"I stand by what I said," smirking, I grabbed her chin.

"You're so cheeky, did you know that?"

"But that's why you love me, right?" God, this girl.

"Yes, that's why I love you," leaning down, we shared a slow kiss, a loving kiss.

God, I love this girl.


Every time I hear this song, it makes me think of her. Her smile, her laugh.

"Can't sleep either?" A voice came from behind me. DK.

"1am is always the hardest." I mumbled.

"Do you wanna, you know?" He nodded his head to the door. Nodding back, I pulled my shoes and jumper on. Walking mostly in silence, we reached Hyolyn.

Seeing him bend down, I felt myself playing with the chain around my neck. The one with the ring on. Our matching rings. The ring I promised her forever with. The promise I broke.

Looking up, my gaze fell on the hill where she first let me in, under the tree and stars.

I don't know if it's just my mind playing tricks on me because of what day it is, or if I'm actually going insane, but there was someone sat right where she used to sit. She looked just like her.

Patting DK on the shoulder, he turned and looked at me.

"Do you see that girl there?" Pointing to the hill, I looked back up. But there was no one there.

Looking down at him, he smiled weakly again.

"I see her too, you know. Everywhere." Maybe I am going insane. I just know I miss her, and I don't think I will ever stop missing her.

*Hyolyn's POV*

Throwing the bag over my shoulder, a smirk on my face, I plugged my headphones in. Letting my feet take me where ever, I checked the time. 2am. Figures, not many people around.

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