Chapter 12

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" I can't believe what I just did" " What, giving me head or talking about my sister" he chuckles " You know which one" " No I don't, tell me" ' both honestly" Katlyn goes on her phone and sees thousands of messages and missed calls from a group chat with Alex, Kaylee, her and Addie

Kaylee- Hey the only reason I made this group chat is so Katlyn can talk to me again.

Addie- That's fair, I spent the day with her today and she didn't mention that she had a sister

Kaylee- Funny, istg on every date I go on that is one of the first things I say, that I have a twin sister

Alex- Hey, sorry for not responding I was doing something, I'll tell Katy to text u, Kaylee

Kaylee- Wait who tf is Katy?

Alex- Ur sister Katlyn, I call her Katy, were dating we do that yk

Kaylee- Whatever

Addie- Oh Alex tell ur gf to call me back

Alex- No, she said u were being hella weird

Kaylee- She prob said that while they were fucking smh

Alex- She actually did bitch

As Katlyn is reading the messages she's contemplating whether or not she should respond considering everything her own twin sister is saying about her.

Katlyn- hey guys, I just saw all the messages

Addie- Katlyn call me back

Kaylee- finally she picks up her phone god damn that took u long

Alex- Be grateful she even texting u Kaylee

Kaylee- Ok fine

Addie- We should all hang out sometime

Alex- I'd be up to that

Kaylee- Ok, yeah that'll be fun

Katlyn- Ig

Addie- Ok so how about tomorrow afternoon bc I have work

Kaylee- Sounds good

Alex- K I'll be there

Katlyn- So will I

It's fucking hilarious how Addie wants to sound so nice while she's texting my sister and her brother, tomorrow they're in for a rude awakening. That girl is fucking vial, the only reason why I agreed to go is to see their reactions to Addie's bitchy personality.

The next day Kaylee prepares herself to see her sister and her ex-boyfriend that haven't spoken to her in 2 months.

Addie- Hey r y'all ready
Kaylee- Yeah almost give me like 5 mins
Addie- I'll just pick u up last it's no big deal
Katlyn- Yeah I'm ready
Alex- Yeah I'm ready 2

I can't wait to meet Kaylee. Well, I've met her but we only speak through texting. I'm not as excited to see Alex considering how our last encounter went. Don't even fucking get me started on Katlyn's ass, god that bitch is so fucking annoying. I get in my car and mentally prepare myself to deal with Katlyn's ass.

Addie texts Alex and tells him that she's outside

Yay now I have to fucking deal with Addie and Kaylee for however long there keeping my ass hostage.

Kaitlyn and Alex get into the car." Hey guys, how have you been" Addie says sarcastically " Pretty good" Alex responds. " You didn't have to say it like that but I'm good," Katlyn says. " I was just trying to start a conversation" Addie responds " Ok Addie cut the bullshit, I know you hate me I'm not fucking stupid" " I don't hate you I just mildly dislike you" " Oh my God same fucking thing bitch". " Don't call her a bitch Katlyn what's wrong with you". " She is being a bitch" Katlyn whispers under her breath and goes on her phone. " Katlyn doesn't start your shit, alright?" Alex says. " Don't fucking make me then" Katlyn snaps back.
Addie pulls up to Kaylees house

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