Chapter 6

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A few days later Katlyn gets up to check and see if Alex ever deleted Kaylee's nudes from his phone. 

I hope this man deleted the nudes from his phone because we've been together for over a week now and he's had plenty of time to delete them. I check and see that luckily he's deleted them but see another set of nudes that kinda look like mine. Back in high school, I took nudes to send to a guy as a joke and I guess I never deleted them but how the hell did they end up on his phone? I never sent them to him. She goes and tries to find Alex to ask him about what she found. " Alex, how did you get my nudes"? " Oh, that I went on your phone and sent them to myself, no big deal right?" " Yeah that is kinda a big deal, I've known you for like a week and you didn't even ask me you just sent them to yourself? " yeah basically, besides were dating it's not that big of a deal we've already fucked so I've seen you it's not any different" " You know what I don't even care anymore". Katlyn gets her stuff and leaves, she gets into her car and calls Kaylee she doesn't answer. Kaylee better not be ignoring me because if she is I'll be fucked, I can't believe what I've gotten myself into. My boyfriend of a week has my nudes because I decided to send them to someone over 3 years ago and forgot to delete them. I'll try and text her because if she doesn't answer my calls she always will text me back, she opens her phone messages and they are flooded with texts from Alex.

Alex- Hi, I'm sorry about what I did pls come back inside I have to talk to u

Alex- Can u pick up the phone holy shit Katlyn

Alex- Ok if you don't come back in the house in the next 5 minutes istg your shit will be thrown out idc anymore

Oh, fuck it if this man whats to act like a 12-year-old and practically beg me to come back in the house ill give him exactly what he wants.

She responds: Give me a second omfg I'm coming

Alex- Thank you

She goes back into the house," I have no clue why you felt the need to blow up my phone acting as a child but what do you want" I say as soon as I get inside. " Look, what I did was dumb but please fir the love of god don't tell your sister" he pleads " Why can't Kaylee know because I tried calling her and for the first time in my life she didn't answer my texts or calls" " Well the bitch is busy" "Don't call my sister a bitch what is your problem?" If this guy says something else stupid he's getting some shit splashed in his face I don't care. She slightly glances at the cup of soda on the counter, " Katlyn I swear if your thinking of splashing that shit in my face don't" " Don't make me then" " What do you mean don't make you, either do it and we'll have problems or you don't and we're fine" " Call my sister or me a bitch again that shits going in your face, got it?" " Ok, whatever you say" he chuckles thinking what she said was complete bullshit.

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