Chapter 5

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Kaitlyn goes to open the door and it's Kaylee. " I thought you went home", " I did but I feel like you and Alex did something". " What would we do he's your boyfriend I'm not a bitch Kaylee". She comes in and notices that Katlyn is wearing one of Alex's hoodies he gave to her after they had sex. " If you didn't do shit then who's hoodie is that? " Alex gave it to me, I was cold" " Katlyn it is almost 80 degrees there is no way in hell you're cold". " Fine we had sex but I started it". Alex says " Wait you willingly had sex with my twin sister" " Yeah, I've had feelings for her since junior year" " Alex we're done because if you think fucking my sister is ok you must be  crazy". She gets her stuff and storms out. " I shouldn't go home right?" " No, you shouldn't". Alex kisses her. " Ok since your sisters like done with me, do you want to date me? " Of course", " Ok have you ever hooked up in a car?" " No, you're the first guy I've ever had sex with" " Ok that explains why you were so damn difficult, you wanted to act like this wasn't  your first time". " Well yeah"

The next day Katlyn gets up super early to go home and get her things and check on Kaylee. She walks in and it seems like no one is home so she just goes to get her stuff and leaves. As she's driving home she's getting a bunch of messages from Alex and Kaylee in a group chat that Kaylee created with both of them.

( this is the text conversation)

Kaylee- Hi before I drive my ass to Alex's place for no reason I have two things to ask, one, Katlyn did u fuck my ex and two are you ok because I haven't heard from you in like a day

Alex- Hey I did fuck you sister and she's staying with me so no, she isn't dead lmao

Kaylee- Wait why tf is she staying with you she has a fully functional house

Alex- Well she's staying with me because I'm not a dick and I give a fuck about the girls I hook up with and she wanted to stay  with me so I let her it's not that deep

Kaylee- Ok whatever idc anymore do what tf u want

Once I get home and Alex is on the couch. " Did you see your sister flipping her shit" " Yeah I just ignored her" " We're going to have to tell her that we're together eventually" Yeah I know let's just enjoy being low-key for now? " Yeah" they kiss and Alex gets up and makes them breakfast. Katlyn decides to go on his phone while he's gone she goes into the camera and takes a selfie of herself and they look through his photos and see Kaylee's nudes she brushes it off thinking that he may have forgotten to delete them last night when he asked her out. I've never been with a guy who kept his ex's nudes but considering they broke up last night he maybe didn't have time, or he did and likes looking at them because we're twins. I don't want to assume anything then blow up on him over nothing so I'll check again in a few days and if they're still there I might have just given my virginity to a guy who is obsessed with my sister or some shit.

Anything for loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora