Chapter 9*

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" Are you going to do anything or just sit there and torture my ass?" Katlyn says " Now that you said that I guess I'll just sit here" I hate that he does this shit he just fucks with me until I don't say anything for however long he can sit there sharing at me. Alex kisses her neck and starts going down her body until he gets to her waistline. " Why did you stop" He ignores her again, Katlyn doesn't say anything back and a few seconds later he continues. He lifted her chin so there staring into each others eyes. I'm tired of this man teasing the ever-living fuck out of me so I'll force him to give in. Kaitlyn kisses Alex and as they kiss, she sticks her tongue into his mouth and reaches down to his belt, and starts unfastening the buckle. Alex gets it off and Kaitlyn takes off the shorts she was wearing under her dress and fully undresses. Alex sticks it in and waits a few seconds to pull it out to make sure all of the precum gets into her. Once he thinks she drank all of the cum that gets inside of her he sticks it in again only to pull it out and it be dripping wet with her juices. He tries to get her at much of it as he can off of his dick into his fingers and licks it off. Kaitlyn takes his dick and sticks it into her mouth, sucking off both their juices. They finish and Alex drives them home.

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