Chapter 40

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"Don't let them near the Count!" Wardes commanded the guards that were with him. The Captain of the Guard, brandished his Sword-Wand and pointed it towards the group of Orcs that were charging at them.

They had came out of nowhere. One moment the entourage was making their way towards Tarbes, and eventually Hallownest, some of the Count's guards were oddly excited to see the Insect Kingdom with a few of them wanting 'souvenirs'.

Then suddenly, they heard the sound of a small stampede and caught sight of a group of orcs emerging from the forests nearby and were heading right towards them.

The chant towards the lightning spell that was his name came to Wardes in a flash, and he pointed his weapon at the largest one as well the most well armoured of the orcs in the group charging at them.

It popped their head like a grape, the spell was accurate as he could make it so that it hit his head dead on.

He chanted another spell, and his Sword Wand came alight with lightning just in time to swipe it through the club of an orc that had charged faster at the sight of their companion's death. The rest however lagged behind, if he had to guess this one was the next in charge after the one that he just killed.

As if to answer his question, the beast in front of him roared into his face which spurred the rest of the orcs to charge faster.

"Shut it," He tried to stab his weapon through the orc's chest, but the beast quickly jumped away from his strike. He had to bat aside the remains of the club that it threw at him, the wood splintering when he struck it aside.

He was already half-way chanting another Lightning spell, when the carriage door suddenly slammed opened, and Count Mott suddenly stepped out. Not entirely, but enough that his upper body was revealed.

The part of him that was supposed to be his guard for the trip, wanted to warn the Count to get back inside the carriage. The part of him that was a Reconquista agent, told him to shut it and hoped that one of the Orcs got lucky and through their weapons at the messenger.

Unfortunately it was not to be. Pompous as he was, he saw the man wave the staff in his hand and chanted, rather theatrically he had to admit a far cry to his own, the spell. He pointed it forward, and from within the carriage a wave of water suddenly burst forth.

Two of them actually. Mere moments after he casted the first spell, he chanted the nest. Wardes saw how the first one spilled out of the carriage, rose like the actuals waves he'd seen at beaches, and slam into the group of orcs, stunning them. The second one followed close by, and swept the creatures under their feet. A moment later, the beasts were groaning as they lied in the pool of water.

He waved his staff once more, and keep the water pooled under the orcs, and make sure none of them leaked towards the rest of the entourage.

Wardes took his chance, and quickly chanted his spell with the intention to strike the pool of water.

He didn't get the chance.


From the same forest that the orcs had came front, a rain of spears suddenly emerged from the tree tops. Javelins, about ten of them that he could count, flew through the air in an arc. And seemingly with perfect ease, they landed exactly at where the orcs were lying down.

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