Chapter 18

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"Yes," Louise nodded at her Familiar's question. She turned her head to the other Void Vessel sitting on her bed, and held out her other hand towards it.

It looked at her hand for a moment, only grabbing it when she coughed and jerked her head towards it.

She nodded again, and then turned her attention back to her Familiar "I realise that, after about a week, I don't really know anything about you." She admitted "Despite the fact that we're supposed to be partners for life as Familiar and Mage, I don't even know what you were until today."

She shook her head "Well not anymore, starting today I want to understand you." She paused and would've scratched the back of her neck if her hands were free "Well as much as I can understand. This way I can at least know who my Familiar is," she turned to the other Void Vessel "And its new friend."

It tilted its head.

You Wish To Understand Us?

A 'new' voice rang in her head, at first she simply assumed that it was Bug. It sounded the same, in the sense that it had no actual voice and it felt as if the words themselves were imprinted in her head to understand them. But even though the soundless sound was the same, she couldn't help but feel that this new voice was just... lesser than her Familiar's.

"Was that you?" She asked the other occupant in her room.

It straightened its head, and then nodded.

She smiled "Glad to know that you can talk as well."

To Understand Our Words. You Are A Creature Of The Void.

Once more Louise nodded her head "I suppose I am."

Giving less focus to the other Void Vessels, she looked at the two.

Bug met her gaze and asked.



"Well for starters, what are you?"
We Are Vessels

The Lumafly flew around mindlessly within its lantern. The glow from its body illuminated a good portion of the room, which included the pages of the many books strewn about on the table and the balding man.

Jean Colbert was looking over a couple of books, his eyes moving from one book to another as his eyebrows furrowed further as he read both of the books.

On his left was the Elven Bestiary book that he had read up when the young Louise had summoned her Familiar.

On his right was another book, The Legend of The Void. Details on what they knew about the Founder Brimir and his own Familiars.

The latter had nothing new to his knowledge. Brimir had four Familiars, each one enhanced by the Runes that granted them power.

Gandalfr, The Left Hand of God. Said to be able to master any weapons that they could get their hands on, and would protect their Master as they casted their spells.

Windalfr, The Right Hand of God. A Familiar that could bend the will of any creature to their whim, so long as they were not humans or any race of similar.

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