[11] You don't know me... (FINALE)

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[Author's Note] THE FINAL CHAPTER- WOOOOAHHHHHH- WOOP WOOP! I hope you like this chapter as much as I do because I think it sets the sequel up nicely :) 

~Midoriya/Kokichi POV~

"Wow... so... no more killing game! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK KOKICHI!" The astronaut screamed.

"Ummmm... ok, we're going to leave you guys for a minute, 'kay?" Kirishima said, slowly backing up and shoo'ing everybody else with him.

The now 15 ultimates gathered around in a circle.

"I, uhhh- I guess it's time I properly i-introduce myself... My name is I-izuku Midoriya... We live... in a super-human society, with heroes and villains. Just like in the comic books... and I'm a hero in training... roughly 80% of the population have a unique power called a quirk... so I'm assuming your quirks have something to do with your ultimate talent... I-I am enrolled in the top hero school UA... I'm in class 1-A... I was- uhhh sent on this- m-mission to save you all! So... that's what I did! IALSOWANTTOAPPOLOGISEFOREVERYSINGLEWRONGDOINGIDIDINTHEGAMEIMSOSORRYFORBEINGRUDEORIMPOLITETOANYBODYHEREITWASACOVERUPSOMONOKUMADIDN'TSUSPECTANYTHINGTHANKYOUFORYOURUNDERSTANDINGI'MNOTABADPERSONIMADEDMYSELFOUTTOBEINTHEGAMEISWEAR! (I ALSO WANT TO APOLOGIZE FOR EVERY SINGLE WRONGDOING I DID IN THE GAME I'M SO SORRY FOR BEING RUDE OR IMPOLITE TO ANYBODY HERE IT WAS A COVERUP SO MONOKUMA DIDN'T SUSPECT ANYTHING THANKYOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING I'M NOT A BAD PERSON I MADE MYSELF OUT TO BE IN THE GAME I SWEAR!)

I... understand if you... don't want to be my friend..." I said, starting to cry a little, not from the emotional damage but because my legs were hurting like a rat and no. I'm not going to be swearing anymore! My legs are sore enough, I don't need my brain hurting from Iida's lecturing.


"20 MINUTES AWAY MIDORIYA!" My teacher replied.

"So you're a hero? With superpowers? And you came undercover to save us?" Maki asked,

"Ehhh- yeah!" I smiled, happy to finally be able to be myself again.

"So... this was your plan all along? The escape I mean..." Rantaro asked.

"Mhhhmmmm, because I have a fair understanding of geography, I was able to climb the walls and use that camera Miu built me to take pictures of the outside of the dome. I saw it looked like the old abandoned coal island Hashima... I compared them in the atlas's and I was right!" I explained.

"I guess... I forgive you. Thank you Kokichi..." Shuichi said, taking his hat off entirely.

"Thank you for your forgiveness... but I need no thanks... It's a hero's job. To save everybody they can!" I said, bowing down and looking at my feet. I felt... unforgivable... unworthy and pathetic. I hurt so many people. The people I was supposed to be saving were the people I hurt the most

"Kokichi-" Kaede started.

"Please, call me Izuku!" I smiled warmly, I hope by just being myself now, they can understand it was all an act... that Kokichi isn't me...

"Right, Izuku... Why did they choose you? Not that you didn't do a great job at saving us and all... but seriously speaking... if your plan failed and was foiled in any way shape or form by Monokuma...Why would you risk your life?" Kaede continued.

"Because thats wha-"

"IZUKU- that's not what heroes do... Accepting a suicide mission? That's not what heroes do. Sure they risk their lives on the scene every single day... but sending in a child... to save us... Joining a killing game by option isn't something a hero would do... it's something a crazy person would do." Shuichi said slowly, small tears clouding his eyes... was he... worried about... me?

"What are you talking about? You guys are 14 of the most incredible people I've ever met. You were all prepared to sacrifice yourself for each other. So... why wouldn't I do the same for all of you. I entered the game because it wouldn't have mattered if the plan failed... just myself as a chain of memories would disappear." I smiled, hoping to convince them... If the plan really did fail, I could have easily just given my quirk to Kacchan, he already has the right training to be able to be the vessel for OFA.

Suddenly, I was pulled into the warm embrace of the detective. Wet tears from his golden eyes dripped slowly onto my bloodied scarf.

"You're careless with your life... I don't know what I would do without you Izuku... You mean more than anything to me!" The boy wept. Clinging onto me for dear life.

"I'm sorry Shuichi... But you don't know me... I'm nothing like Kokichi. Sometimes I wish I was, but it's not me..." I whispered.

"Then let me get to know you better... please... I need... you.

WordCount: 738

[Author's Note] WE ARE DONNEEEE YAYYYYYY!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS- BECAUSE I LOVED WRITING THIS AND IT'S THE FIRST STORY I'VE EVER COMPLETED! Sooooo if you enjoyed I'm glad you did :) Maybe even give it a vote? perhaps? I would like to thank you all so so so so much for reading till the end

Take care little soundwaves and remember to take care of yourself <33


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