[9] Last day/The Ultimate sleepover! (Pt.2)

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[Author's Note] This chapter is the second part to the last day :) Suspense is building (hopefully) and the lesbians are in full swing, my guys ;) I hope you enjoy it, this chapter is brought to you by the 23 can tabs I've been saving over the past 2 years :D

The day continues and I went to the kitchen and started slicing up strawberries to make strawberry and cream sandwiches I use to make for Urarakas' family. I took a bunch of grapes from the fridge and put them in the basket along with the sandwiches. I took some cookies Kirumi made the day before and put them in a container. Grabbing the basket by the handles I took that, some fairy lights I stole from the warehouse, and a picnic blanket out to the garden. I selected a secluded spot under a tree. I hung the light up, turning them on. I laid out the blanket put a couple of pillows from the TV room on it and placed the basket in the middle.

If I did fail my mission. The least I could do is give them their final wishes.

I WON'T GIVE UP! I won't let them die... not when I'm able to stop the game!

"You really do care about us don't you cockitch?" Miu smirked holding the hand of her date. I jumped back a bit not realizing I was mumbling once again.

"Sh-shut up... now! Hurry up and have your date with Kayayay!" I said pushing the pair onto the blanket before dusting off my hands and leaving.

I was walking along and entered the hall when I heard a bunch of voices.


I pushed the door open and found everybody there except for Kaede and Miu.

"Ah! Kokichi, we were just about to send Shuichi to go get you! Do you know where Kae-" I cut Kaito off.

"They're on a date, leave them be," I said simply waving him off.

"Atua said we should have a sleepover tonight, to say goodbye and a collective sorry for the first body must be found before 8 AM tomorrow or else we all die!" Angie said happily.

"Sounds good! As long as I get to sleep next to Shumaiiii~" I said, clinging onto the detective's arm. He inspected me closely before pulling me aside into a gym closet. "Woah there Mr. Emo, I know I'm irresistible but don't you think you're going a little too fast?" I asked.

"No, no... you're eye.... The yellow one... why is it turning green? A-AND YOUR HAIR! Why does it have... all these green streaks in it. You look fairly taller than usual and you barely fit in your clothes!" He pointed out. Didn't think the pills would wear off this quickly...

"W-WHAT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN! SH-U-HUMAIIIIIII! WHAT'S WRONG WITH MEEEHEEEEE~!" I whined, tugging on his sleeve aggressively.

"I think the mastermind may have given you some sort of drug while you were sleeping last night... There is no way you could get this ripped overnight... It'll be okay. I promise... I-I'll protect you..." He said, gripping my shoulders tightly. Ehhhh sure! We'll play along with that!

"I DON'T WANNA TURN INTO A MONSTERRRRRR WAHHHHHHHHHH" I cried, spurting crocodile tears.

We left the closet and people were giving me weird looks, I guess they could hear us... oops!

We planned the sleepover... a place which Angie planned... somewhere I know somebody will kill.

We were eating dinner and the now newly born couple had arrived. We were all super supportive and happy for them.

"Congratulations you twooooo~!" I giggled and Miu kissed Kaede on the cheek.

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