Taking a deep breath I immediately cringe stepping into the apartment. Groaning I run over to the Alexa.

"Alexa stop!" I groan at the loud song playing. Finally silence fills the apartment and only then do I see the state it's in.

There is shoes surrounding the front area. Just thrown everywhere like she tried all of my shoes on, hopped out of them, and then moved on to the next pair. Two coats of mine are flung onto the ground like she tried them on. Sighing I reorganize the shoes putting them neatly together into the closet. I hang up my coats and take another deep breath before stepping into the next area.

Let's just hope it isn't as bad as the entrance.

I was of course proven wrong when I see the state of my open concept apartment. She clearly went against my rules and made herself a fucking cake. I try to control my frustration as I throw all of the bowls and measuring cups into the dishwasher taking the rag and wiping down the counter. That's when my eyes fall on the half empty Starbucks ice coffee jug.

It was full this morning.

It was 2 litres.

She drank a litre.

Of course she had coffee. Why wouldn't she? This kid is giving me grey hairs. I am going to be wrinkly and old from stress in the next six months max. I already feel the wrinkles forming under my eyes.

However, I would rather have her any day over not having her at all.

Moving on to the living room I see the delinquent completely passed out on the couch. Her mouth is open drooling a bit. She's lying on her stomach with her head is turned to the side and her arm's flailed out hanging off the couch.

I try to hold back a smile at the sight.

No Leo. You're mad at her. When did you get so soft?

Since Maggie came home. Since she was born. That's when.

I clean up the millions of mugs that were most likely filled with coffee and fold all the blankets she probably threw around just for fun.

Once the main floor is cleaned I go back to the living room scooping up my baby in my arms. Her head flops forward so with the arm that is under he shoulders I press her head up to my chest.

I don't want her to have a sore neck.

I bring her up to her room. Sure enough her bed is unmade and half of her clothes are on the floor.

She had a fashion show.

I smile at that and put my passed out baby under her covers. Tucking her in I kiss her forehead.

"Love you Maggie." I whisper. Trying to walk away I feel her tug at my hand.  Looking back at her, I see her barely open eyes.

"Sorry for the mess." She slurs. Chuckling I put her arm down and give her forehead one more kiss because I simply cannot resist.

"No more coffee for you." Just like that she is back under and her eyes relax. Sighing I leave her room keeping her door slightly ajar. Walking down to my room I change out of my suit and get into some black sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

MaggieWhere stories live. Discover now