"Good morning, how's your rest?" I ask moving away from him as I put the little mirror inside my little sack, I turn my head to him meeting his great grin as he seems as though he dream something great making me chuckle, I come inside the restroom to clean my teeth and put on something else, I actually wearing a similar garments from yesterday and I have an irritated outlook on it.

'You're weirdo'

I unexpectedly heard a voice inside my mind as I cleaning my teeth making me stop what I doing as I take a gander at me through the mirror with dumbfounded look, Why do I abruptly heard Jungkook voice out of no place. Out of nowhere I feel my heart beat raise into my neck sending an abnormal inclination all around my body, I shook my head as I hit it before cleaning my teeth with twofold time.

Coming out the restroom as I click the change to switch off the light, strolling close to my pack to take out my exposed vanilla fragrance to allow it to fold all around my body. Splashing the scent on my garments, on my neck and wrist prior to returning inside the sack prior to going to my granddad who's keeping a close eye on me. I embrace him firmly for a seconds prior to viewing at him as I kiss his brow leaving him some laugh.

"It's an ideal opportunity to work!" I cheer him up making him applaud as I embrace him once and for all before rashing myself to escape the room, gradually turning the door handle as I fixing my hair then coming out. I close the entryway behind me before standing appropriately however to meet a few eyes making me augmented my eyes, Mr Jeon remaining next to Ms Jeon as they're conversing with their son Jungkook remaining alongside Taehyung.

"S—sorry." I am sorry as though I appear as though I intruded on their discussion, I bow consciously before my eyes landed promptly to Jungkook who dismiss his look from me sending me an inclination pitiful however I didn't show it. I heard Mr Jeon make a sound as if to speak making us glance over to him, he sighs out before coming toward nearer to me as I put my hands infront of me holding it firmly.

"Didn't I advise you to have some time or day off, did I?" Mr Jeon said gazing directly toward me with stressed draw all over his face, he didn't advised me to have sometime off or rest however I'll decide to work than to sit idle yet to sink my brain on things that will trigger my misery and tension. I shook my head gradually before bending up my lips showing him I'm fine, before I express a few words I notice Ms Jeon came toward next to Mr Jeon while showing me her comforting grin.

"Indeed, I agree. Get sometime off atleast, we feel awful for you." Ms Jeon said as she stop her track close to Mr Jeon, I gradually drop my smile as I disagree for tolerating to have some time or day off. I truly simply need to work and I'm really such an obsessive worker since my granddad is sick, there are a couple of days left before I get compensated and can purchase the medications that my granddad needs, so I can likewise request that Lia bring her back our just one house. I gaze upward again to Ms and Mr Jeon making them cause a stir on me as I show them a little smile.

"It's a—alright, I need to work, Ms Jeon, Mr Jeon. There's a couple of days before the salary, I'll possibly feel bad If I didn't buckle down before that day. "

I said checking out the two of them, I think three or four days before the compensation and that implies I am their worker for a decent month however there is continuously something happening to me inside a month, what about in the following numerous months. Mr Jeon and Ms Jeon look into one another making me press my lips together, they grin both on a similar time before glancing back at me as Ms Jeon gestured her head.

"Alright, If that is what you want. We'll be going now, we really need to get some great outfit for tommorow night at Mr Jung Sangko's party." Mr Jeon said as there grin didn't blur, I unexpectedly feel dumbfounded when I recollect that I was invitated, as well. I was going to get some information about it however they're now leaving to get out the house, I stay standing infront of the visitor room entryway as I don't have the foggiest idea how would it be advisable for me I treat night for sure would it be advisable for me I wear, I look into recollecting Taehyung and Jungkook standing not that distant from me. They're conversing with one another making me gradually advance toward foyer to track down Mr SeokJin to get some information about for later.

"Azumi!" I heard the deep manly familiar voice behind when I'm strolling the hallway, I turn my entire body to see who the individual just called me. Taehyung strolling towards me as his box shape grin appearing, I notice Jungkook strolling gradually behind him without taking a look at me, I raise my eyebrow to Taehyung sitting tight for him to say the explanation why'd he call me.

"I heard you're welcomed tomorrow evening at Mr Jung Sangko's party. Things being what they are, would you say you are coming?"

He asks sympathetic as he moving like he's going to pee, I notice Jungkook accomplishing something on his back as Taehyung driving Jungkook hand away from him however I simply overlook it. I look back again to Taehyung and consider it, he sound like they're coming, as well. I really couldn't say whether I should come after what befell me the previous evening, yet I can get a high cash from it. I bend up my lips making Taehyung broadened his eyes in fulfillment before I gestured my head.

"Better believe it, Mr Taehyung. Mr Seokjin let me know that Mr Jung Sangko welcomed me to make coffees for people." I said feeling glad to myself for not faltering, Taehyung seems as though he can be my close companion. He seems as though he can be agreeable to be with around, I notice he push Jungkook a little out behind him making me hold my chuckle, he stroll back infront of me as he hold my left hand, I peer down on my hand as he give me a decent goosebumps as his finger hold delicately on mine.

"Along these lines, I bet you're wearing a decent dress, could how about we get some dress for you ?!" He said energetically as my grin drop, I never wear a dress and never plan to wear it, the last time I wear that is on secondary weeknight however people whistling me for being gaudy. I look back to Taehyung recollecting the time I used to wear those, he's hanging tight for my response as his grin didn't blur. I was going to talk as I gradually pull my hand away from him when abruptly Jungkook remain adjacent to Taehyung.

"No, she won't wear a dress."

Some butterfly contact my heart as they went down on my stomach, I gaze toward him as he gazing down on me with his furious face. My heart beating again as my body warming up as sweat needed to emerge from my temple, his look didn't keep going long as he turn his head to Taehyung who simply drop his valuable and beguiling grin and look back to his companion with a- seriously - look.

"I will not allow her."

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