


As Mr. Stark left, I could not take that smile off his face. Mr. Stark went through all of that, for me. I took out my phone, and shot Ned a text.

                      Come over with the LEGO set.


As soon as Ned came in my room he closed the door and looked at me with such amazement.

"Okay, I have been waiting all day! You fought the Thanos?!" I chuckled at that.

"Yeah, both times. I actually carried the gauntlet across the battlefield. I like, took it from Black Panther, or T'Challa, and then I got stuck and Cap was like, "Hey, Queens! Heads up!" And he threw the hammer and I swung a web so I could get out of the pile of alien like things and then— Then the explosions went off. And I was so scared for my life!" I took a deep breath in, "And then Captain Marvel came out of nowhere and like an idiot, I was like, "Hi, I'm Peter Parker." And she was like, "Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?" And then—" I kept on rambling on and Ned looked at me with such amazement. I left out the part about Mr. Stark, because, everyone already knew what he did and I wanted to keep that to myself. "The first fight with him was not so great because StarLord messed it up and- and I got blipped in Mr. Stark's arms and—" I swallowed my words as they wouldn't come all the way up. That was the scariest part of it. Dying. Not fighting Thanos. The pain also was unbearable. My body kept trying to piece itself back together as it kept falling apart. I never told anyone though. Luckily, Ned caught on that I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"I brought the new LEGO Death Star set!" He changed the topic. "It's only 500 pieces but, I think that is good enough."

"Good!" I stuck my head out my door, "Hey, May? Can we get some pizza tonight?"

"Sure, honey!" May replied.

After a while, we got about halfway done with the LEGO set before Ned's parents wanted him home. I told him he could leave it here and we would finish it up tomorrow.

After he left, I hopped into bed because the day had been exhausting. I laid there, staring at my ceiling for about thirty minutes, trying to force myself to sleep. I heard May's door close to her room and pulled out my phone.


I threw off my covers and opened up my closet door. I stood there for a minute, staring at the red and blue suit. I felt this need to go out and I couldn't figure out why. After what felt like forever, I finally grabbed it and put it on. I ever so Quietly pulled up my window and made my way out, swinging in the night.

It was really quiet. There weren't many cars out and everything seemed at peace at night. That's why I loved doing night patrols. I could fight crime, but also I could enjoy the night sky all to myself as I swung from building to building.

"Empty your pockets, NOW!" I heard about a block away and I could feel my spider senses going through the roof. I made my way over to the noise and gently set myself on the building above the alleyway. There were two dudes towering over someone with guns pointed at the person.

I effortlessly fell to the ground doing my best not to make a sound. I snuck up to them and put my hands on my hips, getting ready to be sassy.

"I don't think it's pretty polite to point a gun at people. You might hurt someone. Or yourself." I said in a sarcastic voice and they both turned around so quick, I thought they would break their necks. For a sliver of a second I saw fear in their eyes, but then they pointed their guns at me.

"Move and we shoot!" The guy on the left said in a shaky voice. I put my hands up and acted as if I was cowering back in fear.

"Oh no! A gun! What will I ever do?" I shrieked and then flung my hands in the direction of their guns, yanking them out of their hands with my webs. I then flung a web on both of them and pulled at it so they came flying at me and I proceeded to knock them out. "Karen, do me a favor and call the police."

I walked up to the guy who was crouched down on the ground against the wall. I couldn't make out his features in the dark so I walked up to him and held out my hand. He looked up and I recognized those brown eyes right away. They mostly are looking at me (or Peter Parker) with contempt so it was weird to see them looking at me with amazement. He took my hand and I helped him up as he pushed one of his blonde locks out of his face.

"Thank you." Harley said to me, in his beautiful southern accent. I cleared my throat before I lowered my voice.

"Uh yeah, anytime, Harley." Shit.

"How do you know my name?" He tilted his head.

"Um, Mr. Stark has talked about you from time to time." I surprised myself with how fast I came up with the lie. Although, it wasn't really a lie.

"Oh." He said.

"Why are you down in Queens?" I blurted out.

"Oh, one of my... coworkers wouldn't shut up about Delmars Sandwiches and I guess I just wanted to try it. But they were closed so..." Harley explained and I chuckled at that.

"Best sandwich in Queens." I said and couldn't help myself smiling under the mask.

"Yeah, well, I also couldn't find it so maybe tomorrow you could show me around Queens?" Harley asked nonchalantly. Damn, what I would kill for his self confidence.

"Uh, yeah." I said without taking in what he said.

"Okay, how about I meet you right here at six tomorrow."

"Sure, sure. Cool." I blabbered again, without even thinking. What the fuck am I doing?

"Great, it's a date then, darlin." Harley smirked as he walked off, leaving me in the alley, to think about how stupid it was of me to just continue to talk to him instead of leaving after I saved his ass.

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