Chapter 28: Broken Truths

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Mercury spun, delivering a kick to Yang's midsection that also knocked him to the ground, Mercury did a backspin to his feet and dashed forward, lashing out with a kick toward Yang's chest.

Blocking the blow, Yang uppercut him in the jaw, then delivered a powerful elbow strike powered by her gauntlet that sent Mercury crashing to the ground.

Pushing himself up, Mercury flipped backward rapidly, dodging a barrage of shells from Yang. One finally connected, and Mercury was sent flying off the edge of the platform.

Thinking quickly, Mercury fired both boots, sending him flying through the air above the arena. Landing on his feet, Mercury lashed out, unleashing a barrage of kicks toward Yang.

As Mercury jumped, kicking at her head, Yang ducked, and Mercury spun, lashing out and sending Yang flying backward. Mercury spun, launching a Dust round after her. Yang rolled, dodging the shell. Mercury raised his leg and lashed out, launching another Dust shell with each kick as he spun on his heel.

Yang sidestepped, dodging two of the shells and lashed out, aiming a blow at his jaw, which Mercury blocked. Kicking her in the jaw and knocking Yang into the air, Mercury jumped, spinning above her, and lashed out, sending her crashing to the ground.

Landing on his feet, Mercury smirked as the Dust shells swirled around and converged, raining down on Yang in a massive explosion of Dust and smoke. Mercury stood, glancing back at the hazy smoke covering Yang before shrugging and walking off, making a show of dusting off his shoulder.

"Here we go," Blake murmured, and she, Ruby, Weiss, Phoenix, Cinder, Emerald, and the rest of Team JNPR watched as the smoke exploded, revealing Yang, flames roaring around her.

Turning to face her, Mercury's eyes widened. "Oh shi—"

Yang lunged and delivered a powerful blow to Mercury's chest, sending him skidding backward. Ducking a kick aimed at her head, Yang delivered a barrage of brutal blows to his torso before delivering a final blow that shattered his Aura and sent Mercury crashing to the ground in a heap.

"What a way to kick off the finals!" Port called as Yang's eyes returned to normal, and she relaxed. Smiling, she raised her fist into the air, earning a loud cheer from the crowd.

"Yang Xiao Long wins!" Oobleck shouted as the arena slowly sank back down.

"Yeah, you did it, sis!" Ruby cheered.

"Way to go, Yang!" Blake called.

Walking over, Yang extended a hand. "Better luck next time, Merc."

Looking up, Mercury smiled and accepted the gesture. "I think I'll take you up on that invite to a bar."

Yang smirked, and her eyes flashed.

Looking behind Mercury, she started as the shadows convulsed, revealing a Revenant. "Look out!" Pushing Mercury to the side, she launched a Dust shell, blowing through the Revenant's side and causing it to dissolve.

"My word!" Oobleck shouted, eyes wide as the crowd erupted into shouts of anger.

"Cut the cameras!" Port ordered.

Eyes turning to normal, Yang looked over at Mercury. "Merc, are you..." She trailed off as she saw Mercury on the ground, clutching his leg... in the same exact spot that the Revenant had stood.

"My leg!" Mercury hissed through gritted teeth and looked up at her, shocked. Seeing the confusion and horror on Yang's face, his eyes widened as several dozen Atlas robots and soldiers surrounded her.

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