Chapter 27: Maiden

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3rd Person POV


After the end of the doubles round, Phoenix and the others walked up to their dorm.

"That was a pretty good fight," Yang commented, stretching.

"Could have gone without the fire geyser," Weiss said, wincing.

"Hey, didn't make you look any less hot, Snowflake," Phoenix said with a grin, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Rolling her eyes, Weiss raised her arm and elbowed Phoenix in the side, causing him to double over.

"Still worth it," he gasped.

"If you think so," Weiss said, rolling her eyes as she entered the dorm, followed by Ruby, Yang, and Blake.

Rolling his eyes, Phoenix walked in after them and plopped down on his hammock. "That was pretty fun back there with the fight and all."

"Yeah, it was pretty cool," Yang agreed, earning a groan from everyone else.

"Can you go at least a day without making a terrible pun?" Blake groaned.

"Nope," Yang replied, popping the P.

"Ugh." Everyone groaned, and Phoenix buried his head under his pillow.

"Actually, seeing as how we have a few hours before curfew, why don't Yang, Blake, Ruby, and I go out to town?" Weiss suggested.

"What about me?" Phoenix complained.

"You stay here," Weiss ordered, tapping him on the nose. "It's high time we girls got some time for ourselves."

Phoenix raised his hands. "Whatever you say, Snow Angel."

"Don't call me that!"

"Mmmm... nope."

Weiss shook her head and gave him a quick kiss. "Try not to burn the place down while we're gone."

"No promises!" Phoenix called as the four girls walked out.

Sighing, Phoenix leaned back in his hammock, ready to get a few hours of rest while the girls were out. Before he could close his eyes, his watch beeped, and he yelped, falling out of his hammock and onto the floor.

"What in..." Phoenix trailed off as he saw part of his watch glowing red. Two of my cameras are in close proximity? he wondered.

Getting up, he reached into his backpack, pulled out his laptop, and set it on the desk. Pulling out a chair, he sat down and opened it. Logging in, he scrolled to his feed list that he had connected to all the secret cameras he hooked up in Beacon.

While he might be a mercenary, he was a cautious one, and thus had placed the cameras in places where he needed them, such as in the sparring arena, the courtyard, his Berg's parking spot, the lunchroom, the hallways, the stairways, the elevators, and the top of Beacon tower.

Flipping through the cameras, his eyes narrowed as he saw that Pyrrha was nearing the entrance to Beacon's tower. Frowning, he hacked into a hidden camera in her headdress.

Several years ago, he and Pyrrha had designed the headdress with the camera in mind, so that they could go over her fights and see where they could improve. In all honesty, he had forgotten about the camera entirely... at least, until now.

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