Unforgiveable (vi)

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Molly threw every last spell she had on it.
Built her children a fortress, hewn of fiddlestrings and heartache.

Playlist (highly recommended):
1. "Trenzalore/The Long Song/I am Information (Reprise)" by Murray Gold [Included above for those on Wattpad Also: Yes, it is a score from another franchise that has nothing to do with this story. Sorry. <3]


Part V: Unforgiveable (vi)


July 11, 1981

It'd been hours. No word.

And now—

Fire pulsed through her chest, drumming—drumming—




Arthur's eyes watched the clock with a dull sheen. His hands twitched.

Two spoons on "Mortal Peril," the pang in her chest sharper than it had ever been before, and she knew

Daughter of Prewett.

The clock—the clock was pulling her apart.

"Watch your brothers," Molly whispered. Arthur sat in the armchair, six inches deep into the most powerful sleeping draught she could brew. She'd had to spell it down his throat as he stared up at the ceiling.

He wouldn't wake until tomorrow.

She cast an Incarcerous around him, just in case. The ropes constricted around Arty's arms, and for a moment, he seemed to twitch.

Bill stared, mouth half-open. "Mum—"

"It's just to keep him comfortable there," she whispered. "So—so he doesn't fall out."

Or stand and—


"Come on, now—"

A little, metallic clink sounded.

Fabian's spoon. Wobbling.

Oh—oh, she had to—to hurry.

"Everyone, come on," Molly shouted, gasping. "Come on. Upstairs, all of you!"

She was rushing a set of instructions to Bill. Wait on Grandpa. Don't open the door. Don't answer the floo. Don't answer the door. Don't—Grandpa would be there as soon as possible—but he had to take the long way, with his floo watched as it was. It would take a while to sort but there wasn't—wasn't—

Daughter of Prewett.

Daughter of Prewett.

Daughter of Prewett.

The clock was banging in her chest, the strings pulled impossibly tight—so tight she couldn't—couldn't breathe—

Her hands shook as she pulled Ronnie from his bassinette and handed him to William. "If Mummy's not back tonight, I need you to tell Grandpa to try flooing Mr. Moody again," she whispered.

Why hadn't he answered? Why hadn't—Where had they all gone? Where was everyone?

Bill watched her with round eyes. "But I don't know Mr. Moody," he said.

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