Eckeltricity (xii)

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William's brow drew together. "We have a saying in my family."

Gideon's heart leapt.

"Always thought it was a bit ridiculous, really, but, um—" William shrugged. "Here, I think it might apply." His eyes searched the crowd, locking on Bilius.

Bilius cupped his hands over his mouth. "What's the squib way?"

The crowd held silent.

William stared hard at Bilius, then at the others gathered. He took a breath and leaned into the wand, speaking softly. "We don't back down."


1. "Live Free or Die" by AudioMachine
2. "Watch the World Burn" by AudioMachine (when William goes to the platform)


Part III: "Eckeltricity" (xii)


July 22, 1967

They snuck into Bilius's room at dawn. The four of them—Molly, Fabian, Gideon, and William.

Marvin was ill by the same strain of Dragonpox that was plaguing Grandfather. For Bilius's safety, he'd been sent to stay with Lucretia and Ignatius. And, well. Blimey, those wards were simple enough.

They'd leave a note.

Bilius sprang out of bed with a hoarse cry. "William!" He bludgeoned into his brother—far taller and more weedy than Gideon remembered him being. "You're here! Oh—oh, brilliant!"

"Thought you could stay at my place for a spell," William said quietly. "If you like."

Bilius was already throwing his things into his trunk. "Perfect timing," he said. "Really. Andy and Tonks were going to spring me later today, but this is—"

"Sorry—what?" William asked.

Bilius was tugging a vest over his freckly chest, and he paused just long enough to say, "The three of us are going to a march," he said. "A big one."

He shoved a parchment at William.

"March for Squib Rights! Diagon Alley, July 22."

William's face paled. "Where did you get this?"

Molly bit her lips together. "I—I'd heard about it from Tonks, and—" she dropped off when she saw the tense look on William's face.

"Now, I know this isn't your thing," Bilius was speaking hurriedly, still shoving his things away. "But I've got a limited window, and this is probably the only one I'll be able to—"

"People don't take kindly to this sort of thing," William said quietly. "I don't want you getting into anything dangerous."

"We'll be there," Molly piped up. "All of us. If anything happens, Bilius will be quite protected."

William took a long breath. "It's not that I don't appreciate the sentiment," he said quietly. "I just wonder at the use. The magical world's always been rubbish to Squibs. There's a reason so many of us leave it behind."

Bilius scratched his eyebrow. "But what if I don't want you to leave," he said.

William's look softened. "I might prefer the muggle world, Billy, but I bring you with me, no matter where I end up. You're my brother."

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