Charles laughed adding in, "You can use her in any way if you'd like"

Galen looked up at Charles, his jaw was clenched his eyebrows furred, sending a death glare to him.

He set his goblet down sitting straight n his seat.

"What did you just say?" Charles gulped clapping his hands.

"Music!" The band along the upper left corner started playing a song.

It's an elder song called Majestic.

I love this song, my father taught me how to dance to it.. it was our little secret because apparently it wasn't  'Lady like'

I started tapping my foot along with the music bobbing my head along in the motions, "You know this melody?" Galen questions me,

I hesitate to answer, but a pull of energy grazes over me, making me feel comfortable and safe around him.

Yet again, i'm using no magic.

Almost protected.


If anything i shouldnt feel such hormones.

Specially for him.

I should be planning his assassination.

But i shall not be known as a killer to.. non threats.

So far..

I need my reputation to be good, as Queen i
dont want being voted out by The Royals.

Heavens what a curse that would be.

Of course i thought about killing Charles plenty of times.

But the amount of guards around his room would
make it impossible.

"Yes, my father taught me before his passing."

"Shall we dance then princess" he extends his arm out towards me, Charles nudging my leg with his own, i slightly groan accepting his... offer.

He leads me off to a empty space, across the dinner table.

i stand besides him holding his hand in the air.

We both look straight ahead, going on our tiptoes slowly jumping up and down with our heels.

We both place one leg behind us in sink, we remove hands walking away.

We slowly walk closer kicking our legs and dancing away accordingly to the music.

Making very direct eye contact.

My hands were scrunching up my dress as we swayed and enjoyed the dancing.

I look towards the table to where they're all staring.

Charles looks angry as my
mother has an awe face on.

Probably angry that i certainly do it better then him.

This is quite fun but i can't get ahead of myself, i'm supposed to hate him.

I kept reminding myself.

We attach hands again slowing down, slowly regaining our speed.

We both smile a small laugh escaping us both.

My hair bounces with our movements, he twirls me out pulling me back into him dipping me down.

We both stare up at each other, his mesmerizing eyes putting me in a choke hold.

How i could look into those eyes forever..


He bows down before me, as i return the favor, "For a princess you did exquisitely well."
I thank him adding, "Love your twist at the end lord Galen."

"Please, call me Galen"

I turn back towards my step father and mother, Charles is clearly shooting daggers at my face as my mother claps, his mother Queen Antonia and Father Lord Morge smile, clapping along with my mother.

""Wonderful" Lord Morge spoke, his deep voice echoing around the room.

Making Charles voice sound childish.


After dinner the two kingdoms talked about wars involving other realms, it was all foolish to me until Queen Antonia said, "Yes well there is news there's a dragon burning down Flor and there villages." Mother frowned, "Such poor souls lost and property burnt" I snort, That's news coming from you.

I on the other hand was terrifyingly excited to fight off this nasty beast.

Even if there was a reward which there has to be, i'm not doing it for that.

But rather to prove myself over all realms.

My grandmother, Adora, the late kings mother wore dresses and fought in battles till her limbs couldn't bare anymore.

She also tried to fight off one of these creatures but her body failed her miserably.

And i plan on inheriting those genes.

The strength and courage of course.

My father would be proud of me i'm sure.

"There's also a hunt going down in 4 moons from now, surely it will take a great deal of strength to kill it. Who ever kills the dragon will be given a title and and be named after Lord Kumes pub"


Lord Kumes was a dear friend of my grandfather, it takes about five to six moons by foot to get there and two or three by horse.

I must leave now.

"Splendid, i'm in" i say with a proud grin on my face, it shortly fades after Charles surely states his opinion that of course is the opposite of mine, "I won't allow it, that is a kingmans job Odessa, not a princess that will be Queen"

I stood up rising from my chair, "Highness Adora Rose of Rivvia my grandmother did, and i shall finish off what she couldn't" my chest was rising up in down, i feel like i'm going to faint.

I clutch my stomach with my right hand fanning my self with my left.

"Odessa dear we will have this conversation later" I shake my head no, "No no you can't-" Galen puts his hand on mine telling me to take it easy.

For someone whom i hate he has a... charm.

Mother placed her hand on Charles, she spoke to him about something which made him say, "Fine Odessa, in the next 4 moons you have 15 moons after to be back here with the head, if not, your role as Queen is no longer, and you will be voted out by The Royals." I smile nodding my head.

"In the next day you will leave at dusk, till then practice."



" lord Galen will be accompanying you on your journey." A nasty smile was on his face, he knew i hated lord Galen, but i can't let him get in through my mind.

I glance at Galen who's hand is now not on me, for some reason a part of me wanted to have his hand there, i shake that thought out of my mind.

i look back at Charles, "If that's what shall be done Majestic one"

"Mother you certainly don't expect me to go with her on this-" Lord Morge hushes his sons behavior.

I laugh pushing my seat in, "Let the games begin, father" venom was laced around my mouth, shock going to both my mother and Charles faces.

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