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"Have you anything to report?" asks Minghao who leans in the leather chair, of his office. Y/N tosses him the folder of the Mission. Minghao furrows his brows. He grab the folder and look at the paper clipped to the edge of the page.

A picture of Kang Chanhee along with the information of his people. A few of the missions they've done previously were listed. Along with a contract in agreement to become allies.

Minghao reverts his gaze to Y/N immediately and stands up. She keeps her posture the same as usual that is until Minghao steps out from behind his desk, to approach her. Y/N blink in confusion.

"I knew he would give you the information and I knew he would help us as long as I send you but..." Minghao sighs, he tosses the file onto the desk. He set his hands upon his hip and breath out a long sigh before speaking again, "I didn't think he would agree with it so quickly without a fight."

Minghao steps towards her figure, "Anything else the two of you negotiate about?"

Y/N felt her breath hitch at the touch of his slender finger touching her chin, pulling them upward to face him.

What could he be thinking of right now? Is he really suspecting her of betraying him sooner in the future or is he just looking out for her?

Minghao's eyes continue to stare into hers. Almost as if he was searching for something, a sign.

"We did talk," She began, "But it's only a small deal that we made. Nothing much." That she didn't lie. There's no use in hiding the small matters away from Minghao.

Minghao removes his finger and stands away from her to think. Y/N fixes her hair and turns to the door, "That's all that happened. If you have anything else for me to do, send them to Jaemin."

Minghao stops her, "Have you been thinking a lot lately, Y/N?"

Y/N hesitated, she turn around carefully to look at the man who brought her here. Minghao's attention wasn't on her but he was speaking directly towards her.

"Not much. I have just been thinking about the possible what-ifs, that is all." Y/N looks away again from his gaze, "But honestly, Minghao...what is there to think about besides your safety."

Then she open the door and left.

A knock came through and Minghao look up again, Doyum stepped in. His black sweater hides his messy hair as he stares at Minghao down, "The preparation is ready." He said. Minghao stands up.

He ruffles Doyum's hair on his way out, "Take care of those files for me. Toss them into that bin over there and fix the document as I've taught you before. I'll be heading out now."

"Minghao," Doyum calls for his brother one last time before he could step out of the room. The taller male glance back and smile.

"I know you don't like Y/N like that...right?" asks Doyum. Minghao looks away and sighs.

"Then do you?" Minghao reflected the question onto his brother who look back at him in disbelief. His eyes widen at the Boss who chuckles. "I knew you never hated her Doyum so please take care of her for me while I'm out working. I leave the rest to you."

Then he exits. Once again, Doyum is left alone.

Minghao had left him to deal with his own obstacles and for Doyum he has been left behind again because Minghao doubts he'll be able to survive in Minghao's world.

"What makes you think I can make her stay when she's still going to follow you anyway," He mutters to the room of nobody but himself.


That following morning as Y/N continues her practice after having been working on missions for so long, she come to realize that the room was quiet. Too quiet.

The morning is different. There will be times when the others get up late to catch up on their rest but the afternoon was strangely different that day. Jamie and Jessi were nowhere to be seen. The gambling table is empty and not only that but Jeno is nowhere near the beating bag and Jaemin has disappeared to who knows where. Usually, he will come to greet her in the morning.

"They had no mission," She mumbles. Her eyes scan the room underground thoroughly before coming to a conclusion.

"If you're looking for them, they're doing a mission." Doyum's voice echos down to her and she lookup. Doyum's earring dangles heavily by his right ear as he leans his head on one palm of his hand. "I figure you will notice. Who does Minghao take me for to be babysitting you while he takes everybody out."

Y/N knit her brows, "What do you mean by that?"

Doyum, "Oh you know, don't be stupid. We've been ditched by Minghao until he's decided to come back home with a completed list of missions."

At the sound of that, Y/N didn't like where it was going. Maybe it's because she wasn't invited? Or maybe it's because usually, she will be the one to take out the job and not the Boss himself.

If Jamie and the other best men were taken alongside Minghao then that means it could be a huge mission.

Y/N's eyes widen, "If I were you, I wouldn't be so hasty," said Doyum.

"I'm his own blood brother yet he doesn't even include me in any of his fun," Doyum pouts. Y/N looks up and quickly heads upstairs to his side. Doyum back away startled, "What?"

Y/N pats his shoulder, "I have one job and that's to keep Minghao safe."

Doyum blinks, "Are you being serious right now?" He scoffs and looks away at the half-empty room.

Y/N, "Yes, I'm being serious. Minghao may have wanted me to stay here to keep you safe but I know you're not as stubborn as Minghao. With that being said, I shall go and find him." But before she could turn to run off Doyum pull her backward surprising her because Doyum's never the type to express much or talk much.

"Don't get me wrong but since you're the only one who can go out to find Minghao...I suppose I'll say this," He takes out a silver pistol and hands it to Y/N. Confused she grab it but Doyum kept his grip on it. "

"Like I said, not so hasty. I'm leaving Minghao in your hand. You better make sure to bring him back in one piece. Body and soul. You got it?"

Y/N looks back at him with a smile. Without another word she quickly hugs him stunning Doyum in surprise. He looks away awkwardly, "You don't know me enough Doyum. Minghao's my life. Of course, I'll make sure he comes back." Then she takes off.

Her last sentence puzzled him and Doyum chuckles, "Idiot." He watches her exit the door to the first floor, "Your life is your own anyway..."

"Minghao never told you to give your life to him."


Let the fun soon begin...this is a step for the story to proceed.


For Infinity - Xu MinghaoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz