part 2 (more than good)

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Y/n POV: as I reached the gym I opened the door and saw that the gym was empty witch made since,since it was class time so I turned as I saw a ball as I picked it up as I moved onto the court as I threw the ball up as I jumped and hit the ball perfectly as I played for a little bit (after a while) I threw the ball up when suddenly I heard footsteps as I heard people enter the room as I hit the ball perfectly I turned as I saw a couple of Guy's "who are you and how did you do that!!!" I saw the short boy with orang hair from earlier as I rolled my eye's "I'm y/n and I'm new to this school" I said "oh well hello!!! I'm hinata this is kagiyama this is suga this is tamaki this is rolling thunder and this-" he was about to say something when I stopped him "I don't care who you are or you're friends" I said "and what's you're problem!!!" The thunder guy said "I don't have a problem" I said as I grabbed my bag as I walked out ...

Hinata POV: as I saw the boy leave I turned to suga who  seemed uncomfortable "suga what's wrong?" I asked as everyone looked at him "n-nothing" he said "yes it is" I said "okey...fine...that boy y/n is talented he played when he was younger and he has killer talent and personality..." Suga said as everyone looked at him "call the other's..." He said as I nodded "wait why?" Kagiyama asked "because we don't want y/n fighting with them..." Suga said "but why don't we challenge the boy to a game?" Tamiki said as suga looked like his soul left his body and went to heaven "no way!!! That boy is a pro if we challenge him he won't spare us!!!" Suga said "then I guess it's a challenge..." I saiad...

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