EP 21 Male Reader x Yandere Female Orc

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Nora: There are all kinds of things out there. Werewolves, Vampires, Orcs, Elves, Giants, Arachnes, Lamias, and more.

(Y/N): I know what's out there and I can handle it. Werewolves and Vampires don't like to come close to the village. Elves are our friends and trading partners. We can hear a Giant coming from a mile away. Arachnes and Lamias haven't been spotted in the area in probably five years, so they must have wanted to avoid the war.

Nora: What about the Orcs? I heard from some other huntsman that you saw some in the woods nearby.

(Y/N): They shouldn't have told you that.

Nora: Well clearly you weren't going to. Why?

(Y/N): I don't want you or anyone else to worry. It was only two times and I believe it to be the same one it was months ago not too long after the treaty was signed so it was probably just a scout making sure we weren't planning a last minute attack. Everything is going to be ok trust me on that.

Nora: Ok fine.

She seemed to be pretty pissed, but she finally took a deep breath.

(Y/N): I love you. You're gonna be fine while I'm gone.

Nora: I love you too. For the record, if you don't come back I will hunt you down and kill you myself.

(Y/N): Noted.

I hugged her goodbye before grabbing my stuff which included a sword, a bow, a quiver of arrows, along with anything else I would need. I waved goodbye to Nora as I was walking to the village gate which was manned by old man Steve.

(Y/N): Hey Steve.

Steve: Good morning. Are you up for a tour?

(Y/N): Yeah, has Ben made it back yet?

Steve: (y/n) about that, some travelers found his body the other day, the same story missing the head.

(Y/N): Shit! What did you do with the body?

Steve: We buried him in the woods west of the village next to the others. Ben was good. There is only one person better and that's you, so I don't think you should go out there. You have a family to take care of. Settle down and find a wife, maybe even with that elf girl who comes by with the traders. I've seen the way she looks at you and I know she comes to find you while it's your turn to patrol.

(Y/N): Ah. Well, that is a good thought, but I need to kill whatever is killing our people then I can think about settling down.

I walked out the gate, but I heard Steve call out to me.

Steve: You better...

(Y/N): I will come back. Don't worry.

I was sad about losing Ben, but it's a risk that comes with a job and he was of dick. I remember I kicked his ass after he got drunk at the last harvest festival and tried hitting on my sister Sarah. I walked deep into the woods, but like many of the times, I couldn't help feeling like I was being watched. As I was walking I heard a branch break to my left, but to my right, I heard something cutting throw the air. I jumped out of the way as an arrow flew by me and hit a tree. I got behind the tree when I heard someone coming. I drew my sword and once they were close I moved and pointed my sword at them.

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