All or nothing: part 1

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3rd person POV:

In the back of a car, Asuka and Shinji lay in each other's embrace.

Shinji, for the first time in a long time, awakes without having any nightmares.

As this realization slowly came to him, Shinji smiled while listening to Asuka's dreamscape ramblings of what grade to give their date.

Asuka: Zzzz... A... Zz... No, A-minus...zzzz... Maybe A... If you're good... Fufufu~...

Waking up, Asuka found Shinji smiling at him.

Asuka:... What are you smiling at?

Shinji:(smiles) Nothing... I just had a good dream.

Asuka: About me?

Shinji: No, I actually dreamed of strawberries...

Sniffing Asuka, she had the lingering scent of strawberries.

Shinji: Anyway... Thank you for the nice dreams.

He hugged Asuka tightly as she nuzzled into him.

Asuka: Yeah, whatever...

Staying as they are for a few moments, Asuka then grabs her phone to check the time.

Asuka:... Eh?




Asuka gets up in shock at what she read on her phone.

Shinji: What's wrong?

Shoving her phone in his face, Shinji begins reading a message Hikari sent Asuka.

It stated Misato had agreed to Yn's request to a peace conference and was heading to the U.S as they spoke.


(Opening theme)

Arriving back at NERV Germany's Headquarters, Asuka, Shinji, and Rei immediately called Misato.

Shinji: Misato!

Misato:(on call) Good day Shinji. Is it true that you and Asuka arrived quite late today?

She teasingly said.

Shinji: Is it true you're going to with Yn?

Misato:(on call) Your clone? Yes. I'm going to try and peacefully end this.

Shinji: You can't trust him, he's willing to do anything to get rid of me.

Misato:(on call) Shinji, I fully expect this to be a trap, that's why I'm bringing along the B team.

Toji:(in the background) Don't worry, we've got her back. Hikari, Kensuke, and I!

Shinji:... Misato, he isn't me. At least let me come along.

Misato:(on call) He's made it clear, he doesn't like you. It's best if I go without you.

Asuka: What about taking us?

Misato:(on call) If something goes wrong, I'll need the cavalry.

Misato:(on call) I've thought through this. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Misato:(on call) Just stay calm and wish me luck.

With that, she ended the call, leaving the trio to sit and wait in the German branch of NERV.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Evangelion WarsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin