He brought me the clothes and let me change in the bathroom while he spoke to someone on the phone.

"Hi" I said as I walked out seeing him waiting for me.

"Hi" He said back with a subtle smile. He didn't smile often but he seemed to be doing that a lot tonight.

I walked over to him and held his face, "You're okay now?" I asked.

The tears were now gone, even though his face was still swollen and red from earlier.

He nodded, "Do you want to go to sleep? You probably do, you must be tired. I can sleep on the floor, or on the couch if you don't want me to be in the same room. I would just prefer to be next to you even if that means I'll be on the floor-"

"Leo, it's okay. I can take the couch" I said, my hands dropping to his chest.

"No! You came all the way here again, you're not sleeping on that uncomfortable couch. Take the bed, please"

It would be such a bad idea to ask him to share the bed.

However I didn't care.

"We can share it"


"it's okay I don't mind. I came all the way here because I felt like shit and wanted to be near you one last time. I know you're the only one who can make me feel better. Even if we make each other feel like shit the majority of the time" I said looking at the floor. I felt a little embarrassed saying this to him, but it was true.

He nodded hesitantly,"Okay"

He took my hand and led me to his bedroom. For some reason I felt nervous, more than the other nights when we'd share the same bed. We got in bed facing each other and to my disappointment, he kept his distance. He seemed hesitant, but I needed him close.

"Were you expecting somebody? You let me in without asking who it was but you seemed shocked to see me" I asked and got closer to him.

His breath hitched when I moved closer, "Yeah, Nate. I told him I wasn't feeling good and he got worried and said he's coming. I called him and let him know that he doesn't need to come anymore though, so don't worry about that"

"I'm sorry I ruined your plans" I said.

"You didn't. I would choose this over anything". His hand reached out to touch me but he stopped, so I took it and led it to my face.

Maybe I was taking it too far, but I wanted to feel his warm touch one last time.

One last time.

I didn't want tomorrow to come. I didn't want this moment to stop, I didn't want to fall asleep.

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. His stare was so intense and he looked at me with longing, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Tessa" He murmured wiping my tears. He moved closer and started kissing my face softly, "It's going to be okay. I'm here, sweetheart"

But this only seemed to make it worse. He was there with me, but it wouldn't last for long. Just this one last time.

"I'm always here" He said as if he knew what I was thinking, "Even when I'm mad at you, even when we're not together anymore. I'm always here. You can always come to me"

"You'll move on" I said still crying.

"You've ruined me for any other woman, Tess" 

"Don't say that. You'll move on"

Without Her ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang