"What is your name?" I queried, as the redhead continued to face his gaze downward. I looked to Ja'far for an answer; However, he continued to face forward. "It's okay... you don't have to tell me, if you are uncomfortable." My eyes gazed upon his white knuckles that were gripping his decorated spear. Ja'far looked back at the two of us, after a long moment of uncomfortable silence.

"Come now, Spartos, I understand your shyness but that does not excuse such rude and brash behavior, to a lady no less. You must forgive him, Princess. He comes from a country of great tradition and faith, so he doesn't talk too much." The bleach blond stated, before Spartos's eyes met mine. 'Such a beautiful color...' I thought to myself, turning away to remember what a pretty brown they were. A small blush covered over my cheeks by just thinking about it. I pulled myself together, knowing that I was a guest, and I shouldn't act that way around a royal.

"It's alright, really." I commented, glancing over to the prince, "In the terms of faith and tradition, you'll find that I understand those cultural concepts more than anyone. I hope you do forgive me, Spartos." He was about to speak something, before he shut himself off. Spartos whispered to Ja'far, before running into a different hallway. I felt dejected and somewhat uneasy. 'Today is just not my day, is it?' I queried to myself, before Ja'far glanced back to my shrinking figure. Fear oozed from my very pores.

"You must excuse him. He remembered that he had a meeting with an important client." I knew this was a lie, but I didn't have the heart or the patience to say what was on my mind. I was a guest, and I knew better than to start calling people out for being bad hosts. Ja'far seemed to notice my stationary attitude, knowing there was nothing he could do but hope. "Here we are," Ja'far commented, "Sinbad should be on the other side of this door." I wasn't sure whether or not Ja'far was directing his words at me. It almost seemed he was telling himself this to ease his worry. Breathing in a quick breath, I prepared myself for my meeting with Sinbad once again. Ja'far opened the door with both hands, "May I introduce the King of-" There was nothing. No one sat on the throne. Worry started to overtake me more than ever, "Oh, bother! Excuse me for a second." With that, Ja'far disappeared down one of the hallways that branched off of the throne room. Steam was practically blowing out of his ears before silence befell the room. There was a long silence. One so quiet, that I could practically hear me own thoughts. That was until, a shrill, feminine scream erupted from where Ja'far had disappeared. After another moment, a woman with a bedsheet covering her bosom ran into the room. She looked like a mess. A large, embarrassed blush covered my face, as I looked away from the woman. I was no fool. I knew what had transpired, between her and the King. But perhaps, he didn't do it. Maybe someone else was to blame? The woman had left as quick as she came. And not too long after, Ja'far came into the throne room, with a certain purple haired monarch, before he practically threw him into the middle of the room. "The King of Sindria!" Ja'far yelled.

To say I was shocked was one thing, but it was another to say I had lost all respect I had for this man before me. There was no doubt that he was drunk and had an intimate affair with the woman I had laid eyes on earlier. Hickeys decorated his neck. And the stench of sweat, liquor, something else I couldn't recognize radiated off of him with such intensity, that I could smell the horrid scent from ten feet away. My body had the urge to run, but I knew of my manners and stayed put. A blank stare inhabited my features, before my (E/C) eyes met Sinbad's amber ones. 'Let's get this over with...'

"King of Sindria, I have come on behalf of my Queen and my sister. I have been ordered to establish a morally just bond between the kingdoms of Sindria and Feanel; However small it may be. To start I would like to go over some trade-" Before I could speak another word, snores started to take over the room. Looking upwards, I saw Sinbad asleep on his throne, as Ja'far tried to slap him awake. 'This is a lost cause...' I thought.

"I apologize for his great lack of pertinence, Princess. He is rather selfish and lazy. Honestly, who does this right before an important meeting?! In any case, you probably know that there is no use waking him up. If you will, I would like to go over the trade agreement as soon as possible. We can do so in one of the meeting rooms if you would prefer." Ja'far advised, but I was too busy spacing out. I listened to every word he was saying, however, a sense of anxiety started to overcome me.

"That sounds good, Ja'far... Um, you don't need to call me by my title though. (Y/N) is just fine." Ja'far nodded slightly, before he took me out of the throne room and down the hallways once more, "I had no idea that someone would have such intimate acts so early in the afternoon." For the rest of the day, I went over the basics of the trade deal with Ja'far. As I did my best to explain everything the best I could, Ja'far wrote down a report in the hopes that Sinbad would read it. After the small meeting, Ja'far lead me to the room I would be staying in. He told me if I needed anything, he would just be down the hall. I organized my things, before collapsing on the bed. A single tear slid down my cheek before my dreams overcame me that night.

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