Chapter 46 Final Battle 2/2

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Nati: ...Alice {surprised}

Alice and Jasper see them all looking surprised and worried but when they saw their son looking at them with a sparkle in his eyes they were happy but they kept going towards Aro, when they were close Felix and Dimitri stopped them

Aro: {Happy} oh Alice my dear, dear Alice, How nice to have you here after all

Jasper: You have evidence that children are not a risk to us {serious}

Alice: -Holds out her hand- I'll show you

Caius: Brother {intrigued}

Aro gives them permission and they release her but they leave Jasper held while he takes a look at his son who gives him a small smile, Alice shakes hands with Aro and they stay like that for a few seconds leaving everyone in attention until come back to themselves

Alice: ... you don't care what I showed you there {worried} Still seeing everything -let go of her hand- you won't change your decision -sees Nati sad and worried and whispers- Now

Nati and everyone else felt like cold water and her fears were immediate

Nati: -Go to Jacob, Leah and Seth- guys take care of them {serious}

They nod and run away from the place, the children look at their parents one last time before losing sight of them.

Caius: -He realizes- chase them {serious}

Three of them nod and run to where the boys left and Alice kicks Aro distractedly sending him flying for a few moments and tries to escape but they grab her and they all step forward prepared

Hoop: Take her {angry}

They try to take Alice by force

Carlisle: LET HER DOWN!! {angry}

Carlisle runs angrily towards where Alice is but two of Aro's servants attack him but he sends them flying, Aro also runs towards him and the two jump in the air to fight but Aro turns and Carlisle falls to the ground, Aro lands on his feet and he gets up revealing Carlisle's head in his hands with a devilish smile surprising everyone and bringing tears to Esme and Nati

Nati: NOOO

They burn Carlisle's body with everyone looking hurt by the loss of Carlisle, Edward can't take it anymore like everyone else and angrily runs starting the battle with everyone behind him angry, Nati and Bella have their eyes fixed on Aro, El he gives the signal and his witnesses run to the battle

When the wolves see him, they run with Sam's order and position themselves on each side of the witnesses and cullen him until they all come into contact and start fighting, Nati and Rosalie took the heads out of some vulturis, on the other hand Bella realizes She says that Jane was going to use her gift on Jasper but she protects him and Jane looks at her angrily. Alec looks at them and runs to Bella and knocks her off her causing jane to paralyze Jasper causing dimitri to cut off her head causing Alice to scream getting Nati's attention and see what they did to Jasper

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