Chap 5 School and Cullen

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After having spent an afternoon with Jacob, Seth and Leah, I installed GPS in my car so that I can return home when I go out and with that we said goodbye, we exchanged numbers to be able to meet at the beach on Saturday and meet the rest of the f...

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After having spent an afternoon with Jacob, Seth and Leah, I installed GPS in my car so that I can return home when I go out and with that we said goodbye, we exchanged numbers to be able to meet at the beach on Saturday and meet the rest of the friends of Jacob

After I got home, I ate cereal and got into the shower. I put on my pajamas and set my alarm to keep from falling asleep on my first day of school and fell asleep in a dreamless sleep

 I put on my pajamas and set my alarm to keep from falling asleep on my first day of school and fell asleep in a dreamless sleep

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The next day

I was sleeping so richly in my bed until my beautiful alarm woke me up yeah !! {sarcasm} anyway. After waking up I took a shower and brushed my teeth then I made myself some pancakes

After breakfast I got ready for school y Grab my car keys and lock the house now yeah ... to hell sorry school

 to hell sorry school

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15 minutes later

I park and see that people are staring at me. Great drawing attention on the first day of school, but it doesn't matter it's only the first day

When I get out of the car, a boy turns to me and says

xxx: Nice car

Nati: thank you, the same

He was surprised but he smiled at me and introduced himself

Tyler: Nice to meet you, I'm Tyler

Nati: Natalia, nice to meet you -Shaking her hand-

Tyler: well .. I'll leave you to settle in the direction

Nati: thank you {smile} see you later -he leaves-

Nati: good {nervous}

Lady: Good girl. tell me?

Nati: I am new Natalia Lopez so please give me my schedule {kind}

Lady: of course my girl

Nati: thank you

Suddenly a very lively Chinese boy arrives

Erick: I am Erick and you .. are you Natalia Lopez, right?

Nati: yes but my friends call me nati

Erick: I am eyes and ears in this place, if you need a counselor .. partner .. A shoulder to cry {flirtatious}

Nati: Thank you, I'll take that into account-she saw she blush-

Erick: well, what kind of class do you have? to be able to take you

Nati: of course here -I hand him the paper-

Erick: physics .. it's close, come and I'll take you and by the way you're very pretty .. of course for the report. Do you want to be the cover photo?

nati: sure it would be fun

Erick: well come follow me

He took me to the classroom of the teacher Zulay and he told me to join him and his friends for lunch, gladly accept well ... to study he said

1 hour later

Thank God the doorbell rang And the teacher is good at giving classes but she has a hell of a genius, now I go to the dining room, when nobody has noticed me until now that Erick was calling me so I quickly went to him

Erick: Hi Nati. look I introduce you to my friends {smiling} guys she is my friend Natalia

xxx: you ... friend?

Erick: yes my friend {happy}

Jessica: Hi, I'm Jessica, a pleasure {flirt}

Nati: am hello .. Natalia a pleasure {nervous}

Angela: hello, nice to meet you, I'm Angela, can you let me take a picture of you? is for the cover {anxious}

Nati: of course -smiles for the photo-

Angela: perfect .. you are very beautiful, she said jokingly but flirtatiously.

Nati: Ehh thank you {uncomfortable}

Mike: {clears} hi sweetie, I'm mike {flirty}

Nati: Natalia <now everyone has flirted with me or what? > I thought

Suddenly I feel like they kiss my cheek

Tyler: my girl-he pulls mike's chair and he chases after him-

Jessica: wow .. you're like the new toy -he said with a jealous tone-

Nati: yes ... that seems {uncomfortable}

Until I see 6 people arrive at the cafeteria and Wow .. they are gods

Nati: who are they? -I ask-

Jessica: they are the cullen children of doctor cullen, He is cupid and adoptive father

Nati: why? {curious}

Jessica: why are they together, I don't know if that's legal

Angela: Jessica are not related

Jessica: well the blonde is Rosalie and the big man is Emmett

Nati: ok

Jessica: the pixie is Alice is very strange and the blonde who is suffering is Jasper

Nati: mmm <I don't know why but I feel attracted but it also bothers me how they define them> I thought

Jessica: and finally they are Edward he is very cute but he has Bella who is pretty too but who really cares?

Nati: see -looking at them-

Jessica: really .. don't waste your time

Nati: calm

After a moment they stared at me in surprise what confused me

Nati: what's up?

Angela: the cullen are looking at you and adjust by the looks uuff like you caught their attention {smiling}

I was confused by what he said and I turned around and blushed because it was true. They looked at me with adoration, love and affection?

 They looked at me with adoration, love and affection?

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