Chapter 34 Anger and Worry 1/2

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After making up for the "lost time" with my classmates they let me sleep which I really appreciate this gift

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After making up for the "lost time" with my classmates they let me sleep which I really appreciate this gift. In the morning I feel my face being caressed and I open my eyes to see Alice and Jasper smiling

Alice: Good morning! sleepyhead {smiling}

Nati: Mmm... good morning -drowsy-

Jasper: -gives him a kiss- It's time to get up because you have some little people waiting to see you {smiling}

Nati: - sits down quickly- Where are they? {happy}

Alice and Jasper laugh.

Alice: They are with Rosalie, Esme, Leah and Seth and the others in the room talking

Nati: Let's go then -gets up-

Jasper: Miss .... Although we like to see you without any clothes, I think the wolves would dislike you -seeing you-

Nati did not understand until she saw herself naked and got nervous and then ran to the bathroom to change while Alice and Jasper laughed at her, After a few minutes Nati comes out of the bathroom ready

Nati: Um... Shall we go? {nervous}

They nodded and Nati grabbed their hands to go down to the room

When they arrive in the room they hear the others discuss

Jacob: Why don't you let her decide instead of making decisions without her permission?! {annoyed}

Bella: It's to protect her and the children including us Jacob understands! {annoyed}

Jacob: So? Make believe that she died and then disappeared because who knows how old and with our imprints? and not only that but my dad and Charlie have been worried about her as well as her family!

Edward: Jacob we don't have a choice

Carlisle: We will say that Nati died of respiratory arrest due to a strange virus to which she was exposed and then we leave here to avoid being seen and discovered.

Emmett: This is for her sake... I don't like it though.

Jacob: .... Then she is determined .... They will disappear -She sees them all-

Bella: I'm sorry, Jake... and I'll see what I can make up for my father to leave.

Nati: They don't have to invent anything because nobody leaves -enter with Alice and Jasper-

Jacob hugs Nati and she happily accepts him

Carlisle: Love, you're still a Neophyte and if Charlie plans to visit Bella here or something, could you - she interrupts him-

Nati: I'm not going to get out of control Carlisle... Also if he's worried that he finds out what we are-she looks at Jacob and he nods and looks at everyone- He already knows... everything {would be }

Beautiful that?!!

Jacob: Charlie already knows what happened to Natalia and about the babies...what happened to you and your history with the cullens and he knows about the werewolves...we told him everything {serious}

Bella: Since when does he know all this?!! And why did they do it?! The vulturis will kill him if a human knows about us!! Besides, you are nobody to decide something like that! WHY?! {annoyed}


Everyone is silent and surprised by Nati's scream

Beautiful that? {confused}

Nati: There is one thing that your father hasn't told you because he didn't know how you were going to react... he fell in love with a wolf and he fell in love with Charlie... and I told that person to tell the truth to charlie since it is better that he is safe knowing what world he lives in instead of living in ignorance of what is happening around him ... and knowing that his daughter truly fell in love with a vampire who did not say anything to protect him ... which Charlie is sad that I won't help on the day of the accident

Edward: That's why he's been calling all this time on your phone.

Nati: And I know that I am nobody to decide but if my family were in Charlie's place I would tell them the truth once and for all and I would do anything... ANYTHING!! ...for keeping them safe by telling them the truth in the world they live in! {flushed}

Bella: N-Nati..I...I'm sorry

Nati: Save your apologies... And don't think I forgot what they told me when I was pregnant and don't forget what I told them

Emmett: What did you tell them love?

Nati: They will tell you -go to Jacob- Tell Charlie to come tomorrow. Tell him that I'm fine and that I want to see him to talk and clarify things once and for all... and so that he can tell Bella who his partner is

Jacob nods and goes out to call Charlie.

Carlisle: But Natalia. We still don't know if you can control yourself in front of Charlie {nervous and worried}

Nati: I will practice with Alice and Rosalie and believe me I would not be able to hurt people I love and if they do not trust they can be present since there is no secret to hide anyway -she looks at them tense- Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to see my Children -go to Emmett- Come with me Emmett please

Emmett: Sure love Let's go {tense}

Nati grabs Emmett's hand calming him down and they leave, leaving the others to blame for everything he told them except Alice and Jasper since they agreed with their partner.

Nati grabs Emmett's hand calming him down and they leave, leaving the others to blame for everything he told them except Alice and Jasper since they agreed with their partner.

Nati grabs Emmett's hand calming him down and they leave, leaving the others to blame for everything he told them except Alice and Jasper since they agreed with their partner

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