Chapter 44 Calm Before The Storm

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Nate: Beautiful? -walks up- What's up?

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Nate: Beautiful? -walks up- What's up?

Bella: The snow is getting hard {tense}

Edward: We have today left {smiling}

Bella: -Go to Charlie and Billy- I'm glad Charlie found someone to take care too {sad}

Nati: Let's not give up {smiling}

Billy: Well it's time to open the presents - the children get excited- Seth, Leah leave food

Nati approaches Charlie and helps him with food and gifts.

Bella: Dad I didn't have time to decorate it so -hands him an envelope- here it is

Nati: It's 5 days in the friezer river for you and Billy {smiling}

Edward: Leaves tomorrow.

Charlie: Wow...great thanks but I have work I can't leave tomorrow

Billy: I already spoke at work for you and everything is ready {smiling}

Charlie: Cunning...and flamboyant

Jacob: No return -eating-

Charlie: Do you want to get rid of me? {curious}

everyone stays quiet

Charlie: Why did it work? {laughing} We're going to catch some really big fish.

Billy: And maybe a cold -kisses him-

Charlie: but we'll have a great time {smiling}

They spent a fun afternoon distracting for a while from what was coming in the morning

They spent a fun afternoon distracting for a while from what was coming in the morning

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In the night

They were all at the point close to where the happy battle will be that some do not want to come and not go to great lengths, One by one they approached the campfire to tell their life stories and what they lived and went through since they are vampires and stories of the damage done to them by the vulturis

While everyone was talking, Edward was with Carlisle away a little, seeing everyone talking and laughing and Nati in a tent with the children making a video call to his family and what was the signal where they were all, but they were surprised to see Seth, Leah and Jacob who were having fun with the others despite being enemies

Edward: I can't help but think that everyone is in danger because we fell so blindly in love with our mate to the point that she gave birth to our children...and 4...something never seen before {tense}

Carlisle: We found our mate and we deserve to be happy Edward

Edward: But at what cost Carlisle? {sad}

Carlisle: {sighs} Everyone here has something to fight for and more the Denali and the Egyptian clan and like everyone else including me...Bella told us about the plane tickets and passports {sad}

Edward: That was the cost Carlisle -See Nati and the children smile- I never thanked you for...for my extraordinary life

They hug and leave with the group

Mom: Well my loves I will see you very soon {happy}

Nati: Okay mom.. I love you {smiling}

Mom: I love you too my love ... bye my children I will see you soon

Beatriz/Rosbell/Esmeralda/Jeremias: Goodbye grandma

Mom: AAA!! they told me grandma {smiling} well well ok hehe, now bye and be careful

Nati: Goodbye mom ..-hangs up- I have a present for you my treasures ..close your eyes -close them- can open your little eyes my loves

The children open them and are surprised by the gift from their mom

Nati: The silver one is yours Jeremias and the gold ones for the girls -he gives them to them- open them

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Nati: The silver one is yours Jeremias and the gold ones for the girls -he gives them to them- open them

They will open it and on each necklace there is a photo of them with their respective parents with Nati with a writing

Nati: "More than our own life"'s how much her parents love us -They see her- Tomorrow I need them to stay with Jacob, Leah and Seth no matter what happens ...I'll be there later

Jeremias: And our parents? {confused}

Esmeralda: And our companions mommy? {confused}

Nati: - She sees them with tears in her eyes and shakes her head slowly- I'm very sorry my loves...but I think it won't be possible...come here my children -hugs them and they cry in silence- we'll be safe ...forever

They cry and Nati sees Alastir outside her tent, who sees her sad because in a long time she fell in love with someone again and opened up to her with her past, but she gives him a half smile and leaves with the others.

Nati: ...Always and forever

Always and Forever

Always and Forever

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