Cap 12 The Truth of the Cullen

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The next day

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The next day

All day I was ignoring the cullen because of yesterday with the boys, I'm not ready to face them and I see that they know it because they want to approach and at the same time not ... or that was until Alice spoke to me

Alice: Nati, can you come with us after school? [ I ask]

Nati: and that for what? [curious] I don't have any work with you for now

Alice: we want to tell you the truth about us

Nati: <thinking> tsk fine but I want the whole truth

Jasper: we promise [popping up out of nowhere]

Nati: [gets scared] I'd appreciate it if you didn't kill me with a heart attack

Jasper: I'm sorry miss but we can't allow you to run away after school so you don't go to our house [smiling]

Nati: hehe, calm down, I won't ... since I want to know everything about you

Alice: well we are glad that you want to know .. but you know that this is difficult for us

At that point the exit bell rings and they practically take me out of the room in a hurry, thank goodness Jasper brings my things

At that point the exit bell rings and they practically take me out of the room in a hurry, thank goodness Jasper brings my things

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Later in the house of the cullen

Carlisle: well nati I guess you know why you're here right?

Nati: yes and I think it would be better if they went straight to the point

Carlisle: well nati ... we are ... pro vampires we don't eat human blood but animal blood

Edward: we consider ourselves vegetarians, there are other clans that we know that take animal blood but others do not.

Nati: they are the ones with red eyes, right?

Esme: yes darling but ... aren't you scared that we're vampires?

Nati: at first I was scared but how did they find out that I knew?

Edward: some vampires get gifts when they convert, mine is to read minds, jasper can feel emotions and manipulate them, alice can see the future and it is thanks to her that we learned that jacob and the others told you what they are and what we are

Bella: but we don't want you to leave our side, it's ... just ... we love you a lot

Nati: that's another thing I wanted to know, what am I to you?

Everyone was quiet until Carlisle spoke

Carlisle: nati ... you are our partner, of all of us

Nati: ....

Nati: what? wait

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Nati: what? wait ... I know what companions are but ... is that possible? Be with all of you?

Carlisle: we know it's hard to process but Alice was the one who saw you coming

Nati: I mean ... did you see me with you in the future? [see alice]

Alice: yes nati and we understand if you want to give yourself some time to assimilate everything that you have learned in a short time

Nati: you must understand me ... first I find out that there are wolves and vampires but that is not what surprises me, what surprises me is that ... I am the campaigner of 8 people is ... complicated

Edward: we understand nati if you want to meet us first before taking the next step .. only if you accept of course

Nati: I accept it, but little by little yes?

Everyone smiles widely at what he said

Rosalie: So that's a yes?

Nati: yes rose ... it's a yes {smiling}

 it's a yes {smiling}

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