Chapter 12 - Ones, Who Survives Hell...

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13. November 2061 6:47, somewhere in sector E04, command truck

"Thank you all for gathering here." said commander Aleksandrovich

Convoy stopped for 10 minutes to refuel every vehicle, so commander wanted to make meeting in order to decide about their future.

"What's the point of this meeting?" asked Helian

"Long story short - we need to think what we should do, when our convoy will be destroyed. Best thing would be splitting into several teams, that will try to do what they want."

Everyone on the meeting gasped after hearing that.

"Why are you talking about it? Shouldn't we stick together as long as possible in order to make our firepower as big as possible?"

"That would be awesome, but we have one big problem - we didn't met any bigger resistance from SF from the time, when we let their group fight against KCCO."

"Isn't that good thing? If they don't want to fight with us, then it's okay." said Kalina with slight smile

"No, it's worst thing, that we can have here. I'm sure, that they are preparing bigger defense against us. We didn't changed our destination for a while, so they are nearly sure where we are right now. I know, that you are logistic officer miss Kalina, but I thought, that you know what can happen in nearest future."

She looked away and said with sad voice:

"In fact I was never good at battle tactics, so if I would need to command any unit, it would surely die in first minutes of battle."

"It's alright. At last you are logistic officer, not commander." Aleksandrovich comfort her "Alright, let's get back to topic. I think, that we will face enemies in no time, even today, that's why I would like to propose some strategy for us."

After saying that, he turned on projector with slide showing their command chain.

"Right now every T-doll have it's own free will, so I want to ask every one of them what they want - try to escape, surrender to KCCO or fight Sangvis' forces. Depending on their answer, we will split into several teams, that will try to reach their goal. 

We will split our resources in that order - 40% to fighting units, 40% to escaping units and 20% to surrendering units. Me, Amelia and one more officer will command those forces. Now I want to hear your opinions about it."

"Of course I'm against it. We don't know, if there really are enemies in front of us, moreover we can't afford to split into smaller regiments right now. We don't have enough supplies, manpower, parts and vehicles to make every team ready to move." said Helian with slightly angry voice

"Maybe I don't know how our tactical situation is, but I'm opposing this idea too. Our supplies are nearly ended after running through Sangvis' forces yesterday. Some trucks were destroyed by them, same as APCs and T-dolls. 

If we would split remaining resources, everyone would have rations for 3-4 days, ammunition for around 20 minutes of intense fight and parts to fully repair only 5 T-dolls. Medicaments aren't as used, as other resources, but they will run out in no time too." added Kalina

Few other person were opposing Aleksandrovich's plan and when he wanted to give up, Unbreakable finally could say her opinion.

"I think, that it's good idea to split, even right now. We will surely be attacked in no time, so it will be better to at least prepare some plan, when it happen. I don't know what others think, but I would like to catch every possibility to survive and staying together, stepping into enemy trap isn't that possibility. 

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