Chapter 6 - Public Support

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2. November 2061 9:56, somewhere around Zhytomyr

At delivery truck was silence between everyone. Only radio was quietly playing a song, when sudden announcement got published.

"Ladies and Gentlemens! Here is speaking your country leader, Nikita Jakinowich! I'm very proud to say, that today, at 9:27 our special elite force destroyed main computer Elisa!"

Everyone got more lively after hearing that.

"What did he said?!" "What?!" "Is the war over?!" 

Everyone began to cheer loudly, while president Jakinowicz was telling more details about "their" team.

"Their lie is good one, I must say." said Unbreakable making hotel staff confused

"Indeed. At last they can't say, that Patriots destroyed her." added Aleksandrovich

"Patriots?" asked doll waitress dumbfounded

Then Unbreakable began to tell the true story of destroying Elisa. 

"So that's what happened... Still why they said, that their soldiers made that?"

"Propaganda." answered Aleksandrovich and Unbreakable in unison

Then everyone silenced for a moment and afterwards they began to laugh. After a while Unbreakable said:

"We are riding together for over 12 hours, but we don't know our names. My name is Unbreakable. I was Sangvis Ferri ringleader, that broke our from Elisa's control and fight against her. I was in Woronezh for interrogation in this case, that's why I used another name - Amelia Clarke."

"Hey, why are you saying that?!" asked Vladimir angrily

"There is no need to lie right now, when they know about both of my personalities."

"Whatever. My name is Vladimir Aleksandrovich. I'm commander at sector J13 in G&K. I was sent with Un- I mean Amelia to escort her."

"Then I will be next. I'm Fiodor Syberatsky and as you can see I'm cook. Before that work, I was working in security firm, so that's why I got hired in Hotel Soyuz."

"My name is Olga Orlowa. I'm just a waitress, that's all. I'm hired in Hotel Soyuz since it's beginning, so I know thing or two about it's history."

"I'm autonomous doll Model AD-05807. My name is Swietlana. The person, that I had to serve to got killed, so right now I'm free doll. I was created to be waitress and barista, so I don't know a lot about fight."

Then all of them smiled at each other and began to talk for rest of their way to sector J13, that means 2 hours.


When they reached checkpoint in sector J13, Garand and Jericho were on guard. Commander Aleksandrovich slowed down and stopped in front of gate.

"Good mo- Is that you commander?!" Garand asked surprised

"Yes?" he answered slightly confused

"We heard, that you are dead!" added Jericho

"Wait, what?" interrupted Unbreakable

"You will tell us more in the base. Can we get in?" asked commander

"You can, but who are those people behind you?" said Garand

"They are refugees from URNC. We don't have time to stay here, so can we get in?" 

"Alright. Let us open the gate." answered Jericho

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