Chapter 7 - First Troubles

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3. November 2061 1:24, G&K base in sector J13

Unbreakable ended installing FMOS in T-dolls' M.I.N.D., so she began to walk towards commander's office in order to report everything.

"He is probably asleep, but if I won't check, I won't be sure."

She knocked at the wooden doors, but didn't heard any answer. After a while she quietly opened them and saw Aleksandrovich working at his computer. His desk was fulfilled with documents and files.

"Commander, you aren't asleep?"

"Hmm? Ah, no, I have a lot of paper work to do right now."

Unbreakable came closer to his desk and after taking one of paper she asked:

"Report to URNC? We are enemies right now."

"I know, but this way we will know how much resources we have. Every commander have to fill them, so it's probably one of most useful papers here."

Unbreakable looked at him with dose of confusion, but after a while she smirked.

"Looks like you really want to protect us, huh?"

"Of course. At last you are my subordinates. What a commander would I be, if I would leave you to death like that?"

Then someone opened door.

"Commander we ha-"

The one, that got into room was M38 - she was one of T-dolls, that already woke up after FMOS installation.

"Pardon my intrusion." she added and wanted to close the door

"Before you will begin to tell others about your imagination, can you tell us what you want?" said annoyed Unbreakable

"We have guests from G&K main headquarter."

"And you wanted to leave without even telling about it?!" shout Aleksandrovich and Unbreakable in unison

M38 got slightly flustered after hearing that.

"Let them in, I will welcome them in person." said Vladimir and took his coat

"I will go too, if you agree on it." said Unbreakable and as answer got nod from Aleksandrovich

Few moments later, commander Aleksandrovich and Unbreakable were in front of main building, waiting for guests to come.

"Why the snow must fall so early?" said Aleksandrovich

"Early? Isn't it normal at this season?" answered Unbreakable

"10 years ago it was normal, if first snow would fall in mid-November, but in 2035 it was no surprise, when snow would fall between December and February only."

"Interesting. Maybe it's because of lower amount of carbon dioxide in the air? You know, now there is much fewer cars, than before Third World War and there is much less humans, that are polluting environment."

Commander looked at her with dose of surprise and after a while he began to laugh.

"You can be right."

About 10 seconds later, convoy with transport trucks, APCs, tanks and few weird trucks got into base, making Unbreakable and Aleksandrovich confused. After a while two cars stopped in front of them and few person got out. 

There were most known personalities in G&K - main logistics officer - Kalina, secretary of main commander - Helianthus, and main researcher of I.O.P. - Persicaria. When Aleksandrovich and Unbreakable came closer to them, she saluted and he began to welcome their guests.

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