sean + kim's wedding!

Start from the beginning

"Weeeeeeee!" Weston says as he giggles and smiles.

"I'm excited to see Auntie Kim in her wedding dress! I bet it looks sooo pretty!" John says with a cheeky smile.

"It is a pretty dress! Papa and I both saw it!" PK says to John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley, and Weston causing them to smile.

"I wish I was in da wedding!" Blakelyn says with a little frown.

"Me too!" Paisley says with a little frown as well.

"Auntie Kim and Uncle Sean wanted a different kind of wedding and that's totally fine! But, they are both soo excited to have all eight of you and Maggie here to witness them get married!" Mike explains to John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley, and Weston.

"Yay! Maggie is gonna be there too!" Grayson says with a cheeky grin.

"I wuv Maggie!" Ensley says as she claps her hands and smiles.

"We all do! Maggie is besties with Addie! Right, Addie?" PK says to Addelyn and Addelyn smiles happily kicking her feet.

"Baaaaa!" Addelyn says happily.

After a thirty minute drive, PK, Mike, John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley, and Weston have made it to the wedding ceremony!

Mike sits with John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley, and Weston in the crowd while they all wait for the wedding ceremony to start.

Lorie, John, Erin, Conor and Grandma Janice all sit in front of Mike along with Kim's mom Liz and sister Adrienne!

Sarah sits next to Mike with Maggie in her lap. Mike has Wiley and Addelyn sitting on his lap with Weston and Ensley sitting on each side of him.

Lorie, John, Erin, Conor, Grandma Janice, Liz and Adrienne all happily greet John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley, Weston and Maggie before they all sit down.

"How was the flight with your crew?" Sarah asks Mike as Maggie begin to babble to Addelyn, Wiley and Weston.

"It was great actually! JJ, Blakey, Paisy, Gray and Ensy all did great! Addy couldn't sleep and Wiley's ears hurt but Weston was great! How about for you guys?" Mike asks Sarah.

"It was pretty good! Luckily, Maggie slept through the whole flight!" Sarah says with a cheeky grin.

"Ba ba baaaaa!" Maggie says to Addelyn, Wiley and Weston with a big smile on her face.

"Aaaaaaa!" Wiley says happily.

"Aaaa baaaa baaaa!" Addelyn says, clapping her hands and smiles at Maggie.

"Oh oh!" Weston says as he slides down and begin to walk away from Mike.

"Weston, stay up here, bud! We don't want you to get your wedding outfit dirty!" Mike says as he picks up Weston and sits him back down.

"Uh oh!" Weston says as he giggles loudly and claps his hands.

"I love your dress and necklace, Ensy!" Sarah says with a grin, causing Ensley to smile.

"Fank you!" Ensley says happily to Sarah.

"My mom gave the girls each a necklace so they are wearing them except for Addelyn because she likes to put it in her mouth." Mike says to Sarah and Sarah awes loudly.

Grayson and Blakelyn walk around a stim a little while John and Paisley are watching a video on YouTube! 

After forty five more minutes of waiting it is time for the wedding ceremony!

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