The last thing I heard and saw were running footsteps, shuffling close to me and a hint of red.


(2nd P.O.V.)

"Woah...this actually worked!!"Karma whispered in gly, feeling amazed and proud of his working prank plan, regardless for whom it was originally intended.

"Karma!! Why did you do that!? Look how scared she is...!"Kayano spat at him through gritted teeth and irritation. He looked behind him where everyone was hiding too, and saw them shooting daggers at him. He rolled his eyes 'huh...wimps. it is not like she is-'. His thoughts were cut off the second he turned his head back towards the scene and saw you falling on your knees.

His eyes widened.

shit...this isn't what I planned!

They all exchanged a look of 'wtf' and deshed towards your falling figure.

Karma was the fastest one and got there pretty quick but barely managed to keep your head hitting the uneven ground.

Now that he had a good look at your face, '...why does she look... he has seen her somewhere before...?', he couldn't help but wonder.

"Karma what happened!?"

"Is this part of your 'plan' too?"

"Is she ok?"

All those questions snapped him out of his thoughts and he responded with "I don't know.."

To be honest, he was confused as he was pretty sure that this is the first time I've seen you...but...he just couldn't shake off the feeling of deja-vu.

Kanzaki suggested laying you down near the campfire, where they were sitting earlier.

Karma carried you and laid you down on a log as told, but didn't back away, at least not right away. Instead he kept staring at your figure, your face and...well... his thoughts.

Nagisa sensed the distress in Karma's behaviour and went over to him,

"Umm...hey karma? Are you...ok?"

"Yeah...I am...fine. just thinking..."

Guessing that maybe his friend was feeling bad for you and was blaming himself for what happened, he petted Karma's back reassuringly. "Don't stress karma. It's not your fault, ok. Let's just sit down and wait for her to regain her consciousness.". Giving him a gentle smile, they both sat on the nearby log that they were using as a seat.


"OH COME ON!!! How long is she gonna sleep! I am tired...and it is getting late as well...", Rio complained, tapping her foot impatiently with her arms crossed.

It has been more than 15 minutes, and not even a single sturr from you.

Everyone was staring at you intently when karma suddenly hit Sugino on the back out of the blue.

"Ow!! man.. what the fu-!?". "Bring me my Spidey", karma simply said, not once taking his eyes off of you for a second.

"Jeez...why it yourself. It's your property anyway...!"

"Damn it Sugino, just go already...!"Karma grumbled, holding his head with his hands out of anxiety. He was feeling wierd the longer he looked at you.

Seeing him like that, the baseball lover didn't argue further and went to search for 'karma's property'.

After sugino left, Kayano stood up and went over to you..., her eyes fixated on your neck.

Love Is Hard - Karma X Reader  Where stories live. Discover now