Chapter- 2

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"Umm...? I think I saw someone there...", I heard Nagisa say before all the whispering they started doing among themselves. But it was clear enough that my cover was blown like poof.

Afraid to get caught, I stayed still where I was, so that maybe they might let this slide.

Suddenly, it became eerily quiet, and I mean not any usual quiet but no night sounds quiet. And honestly, it made my hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

A few minutes passed..., still nothing.

Huh? What happened? Should I... should take a look? I gulped, knowing very well that I have to come out of hiding at some point and continue searching for streets. But... knowing them, they might be hiding... or just waiting for me to come out.

Considering the odds, none were in my favour... well, when are they in my favour anyway.... *Sighs* Thankfully, the campfire was still there, meaning I would be able to tell if anyone tried to approach me.

Wow, shadows can be pretty helpful huh!.

After waiting and waiting... nothing happened. All silence, so I decided to take the charge because gosh!! If I stayed like this any longer, I would freeze to death. It's cold!. . And being the impulsive person I am, mustered up all the courage left in me and stood up. But...

As I turned, I saw a big fat spider hanging from a branch RIGHT IN MY FACE!!. I yelped and without missing a beat, screamed, all the while frantically flailing my arms in random directions and stumbling around in the bushes... Like a fucking drowning fish.

And the problem was somehow that spider managed to get on my face so it was worse than worse.

Grosse!!! Ewwww!!! Ahhhhhh!!!! Oh God why!!!

I could feel that spider slithering its legs on my skin. It's hairy and wiggly legs!

....wait wiggly ?

And as expected, I tripped on air and fell face first.

"AHHHH!!! I SQUISHED A SPIDER!!! IT DIED!! IT'S FREAKIN DEAD NOW !!!?"I started exclaiming loudly after sitting up right, meanwhile keeping my eyes squeezed shut, afraid to open and witness the most disgusting sight 'a spider paste'. Just thinking about that made me shiver nauseously. I was trying my hardest to calm my nerves and trying to recover from the shock of the 'tragedy'. Senses numb, rapid breathing and harsh pounding of my heart was the only thing I was able to feel and hear.

And that sudden unfortunate incident made me come face to face with the very people I was hiding from...


After a few seconds of panicking and calming down, i slowly opened my eyes one by one and felt utterly dumb founded with the sight before me but boiiii it turned out something way more


......HUUUHHH!? what the...that's not a spider...!!"I shrieked, feeling anger and confusion boiling up inside of me.

It's not like I wasn't in an enough confusing situation already...! and now this!?

Muttering curses under my breath, I stood up, dusted myself off and was about to kick that god forsaken thing away but decided otherwise, bending down a little and reaching my hand out to touch the item.

But suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my neck followed by a wave of dizziness washing over me, making my vision blurry, mind hazy and body weak. I dropped to my knees, having darkness taking over my vision and mind drop by drop. I felt myself falling limp, mumbling , "damn...what the hell is going on here..."

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