( 𝟎𝟑𝟒 ) the barrier

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Arriving at the rave was nerve-wracking, to say the least. Lexi knew that she had to have her full concentration on everyone inside of the building all night, which, when she thinks of it, is very difficult for her to do, especially when she didn't even know how to use her so called 'abilities', they just came to her in the worst moments possible - she just had to make sure that Stiles completed the barrier, and stay inside of it at all times.. The girl followed silently after Stiles as he made the mountain ash barrier, feeling all kinds of emotions and things inside of her body as the plan started up inside of the rave, knowing that they were all starting the plan and getting Jackson down so they could stop him; the girl grew dizzy, then stable, then a slight pain in her neck, indicating that they had injected Jackson with the Ketamine. "I think they've injected Jackson, I just felt a pinch in my neck, but it's very faded." Lexi told Stiles, as he turned to face her with a look of panic, as he hadn't finished the barrier, yet.

"I haven't finished the barrier, yet! What if he escapes?" Stiles asked, panic immediately setting in as he knew that he shouldn't have been placed with such a difficult task. He had told them all that he shouldn't be in charge of this, and he was right; the boy ran his free hand through his hair as he began stressing out, only having a handful of ash left and still fifty feet left to go.

"Hey." Lexi spoke up softly, taking Stiles' free hand in her own, "You can do this. Remember what Deaton said? You just have to believe." She said, as gunfire was heard in the background, the boy beginning to freak out even more than before, "Hey, listen. You can do this, I believe in you." The girl told him, holding his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze.

"I told Deaton that it was too much for me, I'm going to mess everything up.." Stiles began to explain, again, when he felt lips press up against his own, the boy calming down instantly as he felt Lexi's lips against his, closing his eyes and relaxing into her hold, the girl knowing that kissing him was the only way that she could get him to stop talking and focus.
When a few seconds passed, and the two teenagers were still kissing, they had almost forgotten what they were even out here doing, Stiles' free hand resting on her cheek as the kiss deepened, the two of them feeling like they were in their own little bubble, when Lexi finally pulled away, smiling up at Stiles as he looked flustered. "Imagine." He said, opening his hand slightly and allowing more ash to drop out, the two of them smiling when they realised it was working.

"Okay, focus." Lexi said, now following alongside Stiles as he continued making the barrier, incredibly proud that he was managing to do so, the girl jumping onto the other side just before it finally finished, the barrier being made as Lexi smiled over at him, laughing as he began jumping up and down in excitement of having done it, especially with the help from Lexi..
The girl didn't expect Stiles to leap over the barrier and pick her up, swinging round in circles as Lexi laughed and Stiles carried on cheering that they had done it. "I knew you could do it!" The girl cheered, as Stiles finally set her down on the ground, the girl smiling widely again when he looked down at her — this time, Stiles initiated the kiss, the kiss deepening even more this time as they both couldn't help themselves. Even if they didn't have a label on what they were, it didn't matter, because they both knew how they felt about each other, and that's all that mattered. "Come on, let's go see if the plan's working." The girl eventually said, when they both pulled away from the kiss and smiled yet again.

So, hand in hand, the two teenagers walked towards the back room where they had taken Jackson, Stiles opening up the door first with Lexi following closely behind, shutting the door behind them as they both saw a passed out Jackson on the chair in front of them both. "Is he okay?" Lexi asked, looking over at the boy nervously, still feeling sorry for him that he was in this situation.

"Well, let's find out." Isaac said, walking towards Jackson and flicking out his claws, going to slash into his skin, only for Jackson to grab his arm, eyes still closed, before bending it in a way it shouldn't, Isaac's bones cracking under pressure.

"Okay, no one does anything like that again, okay?" Stiles asked everyone, when Isaac grunted in pain and rushed back over to them all, Stiles slightly inching in front of Lexi as he glanced nervously at Jackson.

"I thought the Ketamine was supposed to put him out." Isaac stated, holding his arm in pain as it had clearly been broken.

When Jackson's eyes opened up, Lexi couldn't help but recoil in fright, gripping onto Stiles arm as they all backed away. "I'm here. I'm right here with you." Jackson said, his voice distorted as it clearly wasn't him talking to them, it was his master.. When Stiles inched forwards slightly and asked if it was Jackson, the boy spoke up again, "Us. We're all here." He answered, as Lexi began to feel a tightening in her chest, the girl knowing that something was wrong.

Lexi felt her vision blurring ever so slightly, something in her gut telling her that something was happening and that someone needed help, but she couldn't focus on who, or what was happening, she just knew. Whomever she was feeling right now, was in trouble, but she just couldn't pin point on who exactly it was, and it frustrated her to no end.. She couldn't focus on what Jackson and Stiles were talking about as she leaned against the wall besides her, but when she finally looked up, Jackson's eyes had turned orange, and he was clearly waking up, the boy eventually standing up and looking at them all like he wanted to rip their throats out. She felt Stiles hands push her out of the door, the girl holding onto him as they all rushed out, before Jackson burst out of the wall, running off in his full Kanima form. "Damn." Lexi muttered, watching him go. They all needed to split up, but Lexi couldn't help but pull Stiles to the side, "Stiles, somethings wrong." She mumbled.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Stiles instantly asked, panic spreading throughout as he held the girl upright, afraid that something had happened to her.

"Someone's hurt. They can't breathe." Lexi mumbled again, the effects fully taking over as she still couldn't focus on who exactly was hurt. "We need to find Derek, get him to help." She said, as Stiles nodded, taking the girls arm around his shoulder as they rushed round the back of the rave yet again. It all went by in a blur when the two teenagers finally found Derek, the man looking just as confused when he saw Lexi, helping her stand with Stiles. "Someone's hurt." The girl repeated to the alpha, Derek looking up with wide eyes as he tried to listen out for anything that could lead him to whom was hurt.

And that's when they heard it. The roar. "Scott.. Break the seal, Scott's dying!" Derek yelled, Stiles immediately pushing apart the barrier and watching Derek run off, Lexi leaning into his arms as they watched, praying that Scott will be okay..

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