26. Unravel

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Sunday was amazing to say the least. Kian and James spent it together until it was time for dinner and Kian had to go home. It was something he never thought possible. James never expected to have a whole day with his family and boyfriend together. He had already resigned in his mind to have to hide his relationship forever or get disowned.

James readied himself for school excited to see his boyfriend again. He also couldn't wait to tell Pete and apologize to Jason. He really did do him wrong but if Codi was always like this then it's better they knew now so Jason could move on.

The school was still rather empty when James arrived. He agreed to meet with Kian early so they could have some time for themselves. James quickly gathered his things at his locker and left for the boys locker room.

"Morning babe," James smiled at his boyfriend who was laid on the bench by the lockers.

"Mmm, morning my love," Kian opened his arms in wait.

James dropped his bag and straddled his boyfriend, "we need to find a more private place to meet".

"I don't care who sees," Kian chuckled.

"Neither do I but if it's a teacher then we might have a problem. But till then, kiss me." James gently kissed Kian wanting nothing more than to stay that way forever. He couldn't get enough. No matter how long their lips remained attached, it wasn't enough.

Kians hand roamed under James' shirt eliciting a moan to echo in the locker room. Footsteps lightly padded to where they were but they ignored the intrusion and continued on with each other. Suddenly the steps stopped and ran away before either of them could see who it was.

"Let's get to class." James got off of his boyfriend reluctantly.

"Wait!" Kian grabbed James hand and stood up. "One more kiss." 

James chuckled and kissed his demanding boyfriend, "I love you." 

"Mmm I'll never tire of hearing that. I love you too." Kian nuzzled his nose against James and they walked hand in hand to class.

The morning flew by and while James rushed through his work in english, he prayed the bell would ring. He ran down the hall and switched his books quickly before going to lunch.

"Hey puddin." James sat next to Pete with a smile too big to contain. 

"Whoa you're in a good mood. You haven't called me that in a while." Pete chuckled.

"We worked things out. Where's Jason? I need to apologize." James sighed.

"I'm right here." Jason sat in front of Pete and gave him an peculiar smile before glaring at James. 

"Jason, Pete, I just want to apologize for everything. For being an asshole, for...Codi...for ignoring you both. I have been a horrible friend and I understand if you don't forgive me. I deserve it for how I've been. I love you guys." James stood up to leave.

"So you're just gonna say your peace and leave? Sit down and explain." Jason demanded. "Pete told me what was going on with you. I can understand the state of mind you were in but why Codi?"

James stared at Jason, finding it rather odd at how calm he was. He was certain Jason would make a scene or simply ignore him. "It wasn't my intention. I had gone to the locker room without thinking and cried my heart out. When I started hyperventilating, someone walked in and hugged me from behind to calm down." James sighed realizing how pathetic he sounded.

"I'm not trying to make excuses but I didn't know who he was until I pulled away. He kissed me and I hated it. I was confused and a mess, disoriented but before I pushed him away you walked in. He told me all these things about him liking me and that I should use him to vent. I'm so sorry Jason." James stood up to sit next to Jason.

"And the library?" 

"He left a note to meet there and when I did I told him how wrong it was. I was so angry at everything, at everyone that his insistence irritated me more so I kissed him in almost an abusive manner hoping he would get scared and back off but that psycho loved it. We continued meeting until Friday and I told him I couldn't. I felt sick every time because I loved Kian. I haven't seen him since."

"Does Kian know?" Pete finally spoke after listening to James. 

"I told him everything. He forgave me and wanted to kill Codi. Apparently, Codi has been talking about me to his friends saying he wanted to steal me away. So I guess it was always his intention to approach me. I hate myself for falling for it." James looked up to Jason waiting for him to react.

Jason grabbed James and hugged him, "don't you ever do something like that again. Come to your friends, don't talk to shady boys, and for fuck sake stop bottling everything in." 

James chuckled.

"Is everything okay now?" Kian stood behind James. 

"Yea, we're good. What about you? Problem resolved?" Pete raised a brow.

"Yea, that psycho is drowning in lawsuits right now." Kian sat next to James and put his arm around his shoulder. "Wanna hang out at my place today?" 

"Sure, got video games?" Pete's eyes lit up like the need he was.

"Yup, n I'll whoop that ass in every one." Kian threatened.

 "Babe, you shouldn't have said that. Puddin is very competitive." James looked up to Kian. 

"Puddin pop is right. You're going down." 

Kian snorted.

"Can I ride with you Pete?" Jason finished his sandwich and pushed his plate aside. 

"Sure thing Jay" Pete smiled.

"Since when you call him Jay?" James looked at his two friends now certain that something is up.

"What, you think you're the only one with a nickname?" Pete defended and shoved the rest of his burger in his pie hole.

"Sheesh, is was just a question?" James chortled and turned to nuzzle more into his boyfriend's arms.

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