25. C**k Blockers

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James spent the entire day with Kian on the phone only coming out to eat and then sneaking back to his room avoiding his parents. He wasn't ready to tell them that his heart break was over Kian.

The night fell and Kian refused to hang up. He stayed on the phone until James fell asleep snoring lightly against the screen that sat propped up against the wall. Kian giggled at James' smushed sleeping face and closed his eyes to the sound of his boyfriend.

The morning sun warmed the chilly room James slept it in. He opened his eyes to blink away his sleep and found his phone still on the video call. The screen was moving as if someone was walking with the phone hand. He tried to make out what he was seeing until he recognized the front of his house.

"KIAN!" James called out a bit too excited.

"Oh good you woke up. Come down and open up." Kian smiled.

"Wait let me brush my teeth, I'll be quick." James ran with his phone and muted it as he peed and brushed his teeth.

"Really you had to mute me? I don't care if you poop." Kian laughed.

"I didn't poop, I peed and you're gross." James ran out the bathroom and tiptoed past his parents room before skipping down the stairs. 

James stood in front of his door nervously, "babe, you really forgive me?" His heart was excited but his mind still swirled around everything that happened the past week.

"Yes, as long as you forgive me in return. Now open up so I can kiss you." Kian chuckled.

James put the phone in his pocket and with a deep breath opened the door. Kian ran inside and hugged James. He lifted him up and spun him in a circle as James slammed his lips to Kian’s. A tear ran down Kian’s face as they locked their tongues in a fit of passion. A week was too long. Their distance too great but now, now they can hold on and never let go. They poured all their loneliness into each other, filling their souls with passion for the other.

Kian lowered James to his feet, never parting their lips. Their arms remained locked around one another, squeezing tightly.

"When are you guys going to breathe?" A deep voice interrupted from the hall entrance in a slight chuckle.

"Dad, how long have you been standing there?" James squeaked at his father, panting from the kiss .

"Long enough to wonder how the two of you haven't suffocated." Nick laughed and motioned for them to follow.

"Babe, why is your dad so calm?"

"About that, he found out the day I left your house. He knows about me but I guess now he knows you're the boy I was crying over." James grabbed Kian's hand and led him to the kitchen.

"So Kian, what did you do to make my son lose his mind? I never saw him have a proper relationship, then I find out not only is he dating but that he was dating a boy and hurting." Nick made some coffee and leaned against the counter. His was scarier than if he had been yelling in rage.

"Sir, I'm-"

Nick cuts him off, "please call me Nick."

"Nick..sir, we had a bit of an argument over an issue I never made clear with James. I had a crazy ex girlfriend that suddenly claimed she was pregnant with my child which was clearly a lie." Kian gripped James' hand trying to be brave.

"Aren't you gay?"

"I'm bisexual but I do like boys more than girls." Kian answered honestly.

"So is everything resolved? How do I know you won't hurt my son again or that you won't leave him for a girl? How do I-"

"Dad, I'm just as guilty in all this as he is please-" James was cut off by Kian.

"It's okay babe. Nick, I love your son. The second the girl contacted me I told my mother and we flew out the same day to resolve the matter. We got the paternity test to prove her wrong and then got lawyers involved to sue the family for harassment. The second we got results I called your son to tell him what happened and here I am. I'm not going anywhere." Kian shed a tear.

"Dad, we already spoke yesterday. We are okay. I didn't handle the situation that great either but we are good now. Don't be mad at him." James wiped the tear that fell on Kian’s cheek.

"Okay, I won't butt in then. I just don't want to see you like that again. It broke my heart. You're my only child. I only want to see you happy. If Kian still makes you happy then, okay." Nick smiled.

"He does dad. I love him more than you know." James laid his head on Kians shoulder.

"If the way you cried was any indicator then I think I have an idea." Nick laughed, "Okay you guys can go makeout or whatever."  Nick waved at them

James ran to his dad and hugged him, almost making him spill his coffee. James giggled and ran back to Kian, dragged him out of the kitchen, and up the stairs with Nick laughing in the background.

James closed his door and pushed Kian onto his bed. Kian chuckled as he bounced on the mattress.

"What's the rush?" Kian propped himself up on his elbows.

"Didn't you miss me too?" James pulled off his shirt and straddled his boyfriend.

"Well damn, this is one hell of a welcome." Kian ran his hands up James back and pulled him down for a kiss.

James ground his hips against Kian moaning at the feel of the erection his boyfriend developed. Kians hands roamed James body and gripped his thighs. James gasped and pulled Kian up to him.

Kian took off his shirt and kissed James down his neck, "babe," James whispered. He was drowning in the feel of having Kian skin to skin. Tasting him and holding him. Another moan escaped his lips as Kian bit his collarbone and trailed his tongue up to his jaw. 

With a fist full of hair, Kian tugged James' head back and sucked his neck.

"Oh my god!" The door opened and closed, making James and Kian jump away from each other.

"Sorry, I heard Kian was here and wanted to say hi." Cynthia spoke through the door.

"You can come in mom," James called out after both of them put their shirts back on.

Cynthia opened the door partially and stood in the doorway, "So you guys are dating from what I saw?" 

James and Kian nodded their head yes.

"I figured it was you, just make sure you use protection," Cynthia closed the door giggling.

"MOM, YOUR EMBARRASSING!" James shouted which made his mother laugh louder. James plopped back on the bed, "why are they so cringey?"

"I rather that than them kicking you out. I'm happy they accepted you. Us." Kian leaned over and kissed James again, picking up where they left off.

Kian slid his hand into James’ shorts and started to massage him to life. Just before Kian could pull the erection out of the shorts, the bedroom door flew open again. 

"Jeez will you two cut it out. Take your hand out and wash up. We're going out for breakfast." Nick rolled his eyes and closed the door.

"I think I liked it better when they didn't know." James slapped his forehead and Kian keeled over laughing.

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