24.The Call

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The week went on with James avoiding Jason and only talking to Pete between classes. Lunch time was filled with makeout sessions in hidden places that made James feel worse after than he did before seeing Codi. Even though James resigned himself to turn on his phone, he couldn't go through with it all the way. 

He had gone home that Tuesday afternoon and turned on his cell, only to freak out when he saw all the missed calls and new message alert from Kian. So he threw his phone into a drawer and ignored it. 

Now it's back to Saturday and Kian had yet to show up to school. The entire week he had been gone. James jumped off his bed determined to read the message Kian sent. He took his phone which was now dead and plugged it in to charge. 

James paced back and forth before checking if the phone had enough juice to turn on. His heart pounded and already he felt like he wanted to cry. The phone turned on and chimed as everything connected. He touched his screen to open his message but instead answered a call that came in at the exact moment.

James panicked realizing it was Kian. He placed the phone on his ear and listened with a shakey breath.

"Babe, you there?" Kians voice was enough to make James sob into the phone. He wanted to hear him so badly. He missed him. He missed him more than anything.

"Babe, please don't cry. I'm coming home soon..... I-I noticed you still didn't read the text so I'm sure you still have no idea what's happening. I left that same day with my mom and we had Lucy do a paternity test even though I knew she was lying. Results came in this morning and of course, she lied. She was the reason why I moved away, she was crazy and manipulative but I had to come back here and make sure she couldn't get a dime of my parents money." Kians voice was trembling as he told him everything.

James stopped crying, listening to Kian said but stayed quiet.

"Babe, please believe that I never cheated on you. I love you. I really do. It scares me how fast my feelings grew but I don't care anymore. I love you and everything about you." Kian cried into the phone desperate for an answer.

"Kian, I have something to say and I don't think you will love me anymore after I tell you." James cried into the phone.

"Baby, I don't care. Just tell me, it won't change my mind," Kian pleaded between sobs. He only cared that finally heard James voice.

"I hope so because I love you too. But I did something stupid out of anger. I never looked at my phone. In fact I kept my phone off until now. I didn't know you weren't even in town, I thought you were avoiding me…." James took a deep breath because he shook with each word trying to prolong the truth.

"Babe, just tell me. Did you have sex with someone?" Kians questioned.

"No, I'm still a virgin...well with guys but no, that's not it...I kissed someone because I wanted to forget. I wanted revenge but each time I wanted to vomit and I felt worse because it wasn't you. With all the anger I felt, with everything I had in my mind I still wanted you. I still do. Kian, please don't leave me." James cried uncontrollably into the phone unable to hear a word Kian was trying to say.

The line cut off and James looked at his reflection in the dark screen about to go into another hysteria when a video call rang instead. Kian had hung up to call through video.

"I thought, I thought that was it. I thought…. Babe, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Please take me back." James begged into the screen with Kian staring back with puffy red eyes.

"Babe, I still love you and honestly I don't like that you so easily went into another person's arms but I'm not going anywhere. I can understand what you must have felt but please if we fight again, talk to me. Don't shut me out like you did." Kian wiped his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I really am. It really didn't mean anything. I won't shut you out anymore. I don't like this feeling. I don't like the person I've been. Please come home." James grabbed a tissue and blew his nose.

"I will babe. I'm coming home tomorrow morning." Kian sighed," So, who was it?" Kian pursed his lips not wanting to know but he had a feeling.


"You fucking kidding me? That asshole really couldn't wait for us to have problems. I'm gonna kill him." Kian walked away from the phone fuming.

"Babe, wait, what do you mean?...Kian?!" James called out and waited for Kian to return to the screen. He stared at the wall the phone faced and then jumped when he heard a loud bang.

Kian returned to the phone holding his hand, "that prick is always eyeing you. Then one day I overheard him telling someone how he would be ready to swoop in when he got the chance." Kian walked away again cursing.

James cried with his face into the pillow, "Kian I'm such a horrible person."

"Babe, no you're not. You love me and only me right?" Kian smiled.

"Yes, only you." James looked up with watery eyes. "Always you."

"That's enough for me. But ima still kill him" kian chuckled. "......Anyways, let's talk about something else. It's been too long, I've missed you."

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