One Down

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They spent the entire day searching the island from top to bottom but Saionji couldn't be found. Searching the main island they found a change with the remaining locked islands. Each had a fraction on them. The third island had 1/3, The fourth island had 1/7, and the fifth island had 1/10. They didn't seem to be alterable. Nobody seemed to recall what had happened yesterday, aside for receiving the note. The Izuru joined them at the restaurant again, but now that Hajime thought about it, it was probably one of his classmates, which also meant the real Kamukura was hidden among them...

During free time he went looking, it took him a good hour before he finally found them in the library. The Izuru looked surprised to see Hajime, and even more so when he came up to him.

Izuru/???: "Hi nagito.." He said awkwardly as if it were unnatural for him. Ah right i forgot i was in Nagito's body.

Nagito/Hajime: "Hi.. I felt bad.. i assume you're not in the right body either?" He said cautiously making sure nobody was listening.

Izuru/???: "It isn't that different... It's kind of like starting over.." They seemed to be remembering bad memories as they said that. "I'm no longer who i was.. i want to stay as this person now." They said, straightening their back, they then walked of before Hajime could say anything.

???: I want to be a new person. This Izuru Kamukura... i'm assuming their identity, nobody liked mine anyways. You could tell from the look in their eyes how they all despised me. I'm still getting used to seeing somebody else in my body, heh I guess it's the same for the old Izuru. Though i think whoever is in my body is trying to return it to me, so i have to be careful, I'm not going back...

Another plus side is i don't think i need to take my medicine anymore, i'm doing just fine without it. I wonder how Nagito's doing? The new one i mean. I want to find out what happened to Hajime, i enjoyed his companionship, unless perhaps, he doesn't like the new me... That would be ironic, I change for him to like me and he only hates me more. I tried talking to his body but its pretty obvious its not him inside. He's not as energetic as he used to be and he seems to stay in his room. He decided just to go one at a time, starting with Tanaka, since Byakuya was dead and he wanted to keep his distance from whoever was in his past body.

He found him in his cabin doing pushups, he was complaining about something along the lines of, "He's so weak.." that lowered the selection, it was Akane, Nekomaru, or Saionji who was missing. He was skeptical of the last one though since he didn't think pushups were her favored exercise. The Tanaka sat down and the hamsters came out.

Tanaka/???: "So little buddies! lets start a team exercise!" He had them to a relay race with a small twig and gave them crackers when they finished. He laughed as he continued on to do exercises with them.

New Izuru Kamukura: "I guess that's nekomaru, onto the next then. Kazuichi."

He found the soda standing around the airport as if he had no idea what to do, he looked a lot cleaner without a spot of grease on his suit. They seemed weary of the new Izuru when he approached. subtle hints, such as the way they gracefully stood yet uneasy and how they kept themselves neat and tidy, This was either Sonia or Mikan. It didn't matter which so he continued on once more. It was starting to get late, he had time to check one more, Nekomaru. He was at the pharmacy, he didn't even have to go to know it was Mikan, which ment Sonia was in Kazuichi.

He sighed heading back to the hotel lounge, where he had been sleeping. Fortunately because he woke up early he didn't have to worry about bothering anyone there. He stepped into the room when he saw somebody was already sitting on the couch, it was his old body.. He had already been seen when they stood up and walked to him. He had a look on his face almost as if he was saying you can trust me with anything.

Nagito/Hajime: "Hey Izuru.. or whatever your real name is. I wanted to talk, get a better understanding of our situation.." Nagito saw his own body talk to him but hardly listened, if whoever it was tried to return his body to him he'd have to go back to being hated by everyone... he didn't want that anymore.. He breathed in heavily as he regained his posture.

Izuru/Nagito: "My name is Izuru Kamukura. The old me is gone."

Nagito/Hajime: "Come on, lets talk between the real us." Komaeda glared at himself, feeling all the hatred that had been aimed towards him over the years. He swung out at his old body, he made contact with a loud slap as he yelled out.

Izuru/Nagito: "IM DISGUSTING! I DON'T WANT TO BE THAT GARBAGE ANYMORE!!" Tears started to run down his face as Hajime looked up at him from the floor. "THE OLD NAGITO IS GONE! HE WAS WORTHLESS ANYWAYS!!" He fell to his knees sobbing, as all of the pressure over the years had finally gotten to him. People calling him a creep, his own parents dieing because of him, he didn't even have a real talent!!

Suddenly he felt warmth around him, he opened his eyes to see the new Nagito hugging him. Tears continued to stream down his face as he just sat there in the embrace.

Nagito/Hajime: "I don't know why you feel that way, and i don't think i can understand. Its awful you have to feel like that Nagito.. but your not disgusting, your not garbage, and you're definitely not worthless." He pulled back looking into Nagito's eyes. "I won't force you to go back into your body just... your better than you think you are, okay?" Nagito looked down at the floor as tears continued to slide down his cheeks. They sat there a while longer as Nagito began to calm himself.

Suddenly Hajime let out a scream of pain. Nagito looked up to see an arrow sticking through his shoulder.

???: "Damn i missed, guess this body can't do archery either." Somebody spoke with black fabric wrapped around them.

Nagito Jumped up shielding Hajime. He went to jump for the figure when he was hit in the back and fell to the floor. He struggled in pain as the attacker dashed out of the room. He quickly ran over to Hajime's side, fortunately his new body had plenty of strength. Carefully picking him up, he ran to find Mikan for help.

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