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Ty @QueenofCabin7 for being the first to suggest ships. So Percabeth. Isn't it obvious? 

SHIIIIIP!!!!!! Literally one of my 2 OTPs!

Also it goes to the OTP category. {like, duh.}

And my fav moment is;

Annabeth ran her hand along some marks on the ground – a jagged crow's-foot shape as long as a human body. The area was lumpy and white, like stone scar tissue. 'This is the place,' she said. 'Percy, these are the trident marks of Poseidon.' Hesitantly, Percy touched the scars. 'He must've been using his extra-extra-large trident.' 'This is where he struck the earth,' Annabeth said, 'where he made a saltwater spring appear when he had the contest with my mom to sponsor Athens.' 'So this is where the rivalry started,' Percy said. 'Yeah.' Percy pulled Annabeth close and kissed her ... long enough for it to get really awkward for Piper, though she said nothing. She thought about the old rule of Aphrodite's cabin: that to be recognized as a daughter of the love goddess, you had to break someone's heart. Piper had long ago decided to change that rule. Percy and Annabeth were a perfect example of why. You should have to make someone's heart whole; that was a much better test. When Percy pulled away, Annabeth looked like a fish gasping for air. 'The rivalry ends here,' Percy said. 'I love you, Wise Girl.' Annabeth made a little sigh, like something in her ribcage had melted. Percy glanced at Piper. 'Sorry, I had to do that.' Piper grinned. 'How could a daughter of Aphrodite not approve? You're a great boyfriend.' 

I love this scene 'cause despite what Athena said in the Titan's Curse getting to Percy this is the most loveliest, rebellious scene any love story can make. And I'm a rebel so...... And it's just sooooooooooo cute. But let's be honest, every Percabeth scene is way beyond cute, but yeah.

So yeah, that's chapter one. I hope you'll liked it. And post your favorite Percabeth moment in the comments for everyone to enjoy it too. Feel free to comment in more ships.

And I guess this is bye until next time, so adiós! 

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