Part 1: Disaster At Chaldea

Start from the beginning


Alarms blared ear piercingly loud through the building over and over like a broken record the only thing that could rival the sound was the oncoming rushing of footsteps of workers. Red lights flashed on and off indicating a emergency. The workers all seemed to be converging to the same location.

Eventually workers barged through doors there movements got slower as they finally were able to have a breath a of fresh air. It seems they finally reached there location. A white painted room with matching colored tiles to give the room a sort of clean aura. Seats were placed on the room and with each seat was a corresponding computer. At first glance you would think of this to be a sophisticated and quiet area

But it was anything but quiet.

Several fingers banged against then key on                                                         the keyboard it created a unison of clicking, ticking, and clattering on the keyboards. The atmosphere was tense each worker was wide eyed with fear as they focused on their special tasks. The calm aura this place gave off before was replaced by a sense of dread.

As the working continued it looked as if that's all they're oils be doing working... trying to fix this task this hopeless task. That was until a booming voice gained the attention of the workers, they kept there eyes on their screens but they gave their ears to the voice.

The voice belonged to a young feminine woman and even though she didn't look the part she was the one the workers listened to each word that would come out of her mouth was the most vital information for them. The reason for this is cause she was the Director for all of this

Director: "Quickly give me a summary of the situation!"

She shouted as quickly as she could and as loud no doubt all the workers heard her voice. Her eyes darted around the room one of her workers has to have the answer because she surely did not. No matter how hard she analyzes it she couldn't possibly process the situation at the moment.

Worker 1#: "The shiva lens has detected an abnormality"

Questions roamed around in the air what could they be dealing this is unlike anything they have ever faced before the Director shakes her head blowing past these thoughts. The director believes they can solve this problem.

Worker 2#: "Coordinates confirmed! Abnormal value rising!"

A screen formed itself up in the center area it seemed to be a map detailing the situation and by the look on the director's grim face things were getting bad. The directors breathing stopped her skin grew pale and she could only mutter a few small words "The Light...."

An older voice drowned out the Director's whisper this voice belonged to another higher up like herself. The voice belonged to an older man around the age of 40 he wore a polyester pine green over coat jacket and a styled top hat this was the one and only Professor Lev Lainur Flauros.

Professor Lev: "Chaldea was created from a reproduction of the Earth's soul. If the light of the civilization is extinguished then that..... could"

Professor Lev trailed off as his voice got silent he held his tongue for he wouldn't dare say the next words. Things looked hopeless this could spell the end if only... Then the director shot up from her seat she finally had an idea although it wasn't a guaranteed method to solve this problem they have little to no options.

Director: "Listen! We must gather humans who have potential to become Master's immediately we have no choice. We'll move on from the Ray-shift experiments to actually use.

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