He walked by Dream's Jewelry shop and couldn't help but stop. He noticed the sign was flashing, the store was open. He peaked in, seeing that Dream was actually working. Currently he was with a customer, so George decided to keep walking. Though there was a good chance he was going to stop by later.

Dream was with a young girl that he didn't recognize, but he wasn't too bothered by it. "So, you want a silver necklace? Not too showy?"

The girl nodded. "Yeah! I'm getting married soon, and I want something classy."

"Sure, I can definitely do that." Dream walked around and showed her some of the less showy pieces of jewelry he had there. After a couple minutes she found one she liked.

"This one is perfect, I'll take it!" She smiled brightly.

"Awesome, come with me." Dream went back to the front and collected the payment, before wishing her well.

When the bell rang again, it was someone he definitely didn't expect to see anytime soon.

Skeppy walked in with a cloud of gloom over his head. The pain in his heart was visible from the outside.

"Oh hey..." Dream didn't know what to say.

Skeppy waved and looked around for a couple minutes by himself. Before finally approaching Dream. "Hey um...I'm looking for a diamond necklace. Something really special and shiny."

"Okay..." Dream thought about everything he had in stock. "What's the occasion?"

Skeppy leaned down and put his elbows on the desk, holding his face. "It's um...for Bad. His funeral is in a couple days."

Dream tried to find the right words to say, but death didn't come with a grief manual. "Okay...I'll bring out some things from the back." He went to the back room to compose himself. He did not want to upset Skeppy. Sure, he was a loyal and important customer, but he was also a friend.

Skeppy waited until Dream came back and displayed a few necklaces in front of him.

Dream knew how upset Skeppy was, because his eyes didn't light up when he saw the shiny and luxurious diamonds. Glimmering perfectly in the store's lighting. "Do you...like any of these?"

Skeppy looked at them, thinking hard about it. "I don't know... I'm not sure which one he would like best."

"Well Bad was never crazy about diamonds and wealth. I'm sure he'd be fine with anything you get him." Dream assured Skeppy that Bad wouldn't be picky. Especially because he was dead, and his funeral jewelry was probably the least of his worry.

"I know but I really want a nice piece of jewelry to give him. I love diamonds, so it's kind of like I'm burying him with a piece of me." Skeppy closed his eyes to suppress his tears.

"I understand...I think he'd like this one, here." Dream pointed out the one that he thought looked the best.

Skeppy looked at it, nodding his head. "Yeah...yeah, like that one. I'll take it."

"It's 50% off, just for you." Dream made a great offer. He would of gave it for free, but he didn't want Skeppy to feel too pitied.

"Thanks..." Skeppy paid and Dream boxed up the item for him. He left the shop, his dread following him.

Dream glanced at the photo framed on his desk. He truly missed that happier time. When he and George were in young and unconditional love. When they hadn't yet learned how brutal the world was. When all they wanted from each other was custom playlists and tight hugs.


George was on his way back from the game shop. They were hiring, and he just spoke to the manager. It seemed like a pretty chill environment, he planned on applying there. It would be a decent temporary job.

He tried to convince himself to walk past the jewelry shop, but it didn't happen. George walked in with his head held high. Trying to act like this separation wasn't taking over his life.

Dream looked up, slightly startled to see his husband. "Oh hey, how's it going?"

George walked over and leaned on the desk. "It's...going..."

Dream knew George wasn't there for jewelry, he wouldn't even have money for any. "What can I help you with?" He tried to talk to George like a customer.

"Oh come on, don't do that. I'm here to talk to you...how have you been?" George noticed that Dream had his love ring on again. He smiled, feeling warm inside.

"I've been alright, just trying to get my mind in a more positive place. Made a therapy appointment, it's tomorrow." Dream bragged, treating their separation like it was some sort of competition. A competition to see who would become the better person.

"Oh that's lovely...I was out job hunting. Haven't touched a cigarette all week." George flexed, but he wasn't being honest.

"Oh? Was I the one causing you to smoke all these years?" Dream's voice sounded a bit sarcastic and petty.

"Probably..." George would of said something petty back, but he honestly still loved Dream. "So um... Sapnap and Karl's funeral is in a couple days. I was going to ask you to drive me? Tubbo has a doctor's appointment so I can't get a ride from Ranboo."

Dream obviously couldn't say no, and he figured it would be okay. It was a funeral after all, they could put their relationship drama aside for a funeral."Sure, no problem. I'll text you a time when I know more details."

"Thanks..." George tapped awkwardly on the desk. "So uh...many customers today?"

"Not many...but a few. Skeppy was here, he looks awful...I can't imagine losing my soulmate like that." Dream frowned, giving Skeppy all his sympathy.

"Yeah...can't imagine it..." George wanted to say something regarding their split, but bit his tongue. Instead he just looked at the bracelets displayed by the desk. "These are pretty, are they new?"

Dream smiled and nodded. "Yup, they are gorgeous aren't they? Technoblade is going to piss himself when he sees them."

George giggled slightly and picked up one of the bracelets. He tried to put it on his wrist, but was having a tough time clasping it.

"Let me help." Dream loved seeing people try on the jewelry in his shop. It gave him a sense of pride.

Dream moved George's sleeve and put the bracelet on him. "There, it suits you..." His face went blank. "George...please don't tell me you..." Dream felt guilty as he saw the cuts going up George's arm.

Ring Around My Heart (DreamNotFound +) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now