Wrecker Crystal

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She was laying on the rest of the explosions,caused by something called a monster she didn't remember anything or what happened to her, a lot of energon pomping frome her scared and broken body,she is dying her green optics start to shut until she felt some one grabing her and wrapped his arms around her
"You are safe now"was the last thing she herd as she saw with blurry eyes,a military green sillouet and a pink and red ones,befor she becames unconsious

"Thank you springer",she herd a femal voice befor she felt a wet towel in her dark purple helm,she slowly open her optics as she saw the pink femal with a scar in her cheak
"Aunty Ariel is she awake?"a littel green mech just 4 years older than her,set beside her,with a bright blue eyes his name is Springer

"Yes my son your sister is awak"a big green mech said with a littel red sparkling in his arms,he's name is Hotrod he was 2years old"Springer take your littel brother and give him his energon"Kup gived hotrod to springer

"NYAAAAA"another red sparkling with a black helmet screamed whene he tries to stand in Springer's leg
"No percy,Hotrod first you ate 30 min ago",

"Where am i?who am i?,who are you?"the 5 years old femling asked as she opened finaly her eyes after 2 days of sleeping,and stood a littel,

"Sweetspark it's alright don't panic we're your new family,my name is Ariel daugher of Alfa trion,we found you as the last survivor of the clan Taka"the pink femme said rising her and puting her on her hips

"And me i'm sirgent Kup,my daugher"he said touching her little cheak

"I'm i the daugher of the both 2 of you"she asked inocently,they both laughed

"No sweety i' 17 years and he is 30 years,he is my montor"Ariel said

"Frome where i came frome?where are my sire and carier"she asked

"Kid,you're the last survivor of the clan of fire Taka,you're sire and carier are dead,and we found you,we were surprised that you steel alive thank to our new medical officer Ratched"he said

"Ratchet?"she asked
"Yeah my bestfriend"a 18y/o red mech said proudly
"Ironhide hwo's impactor"Kup asked
"Fine ratchet tried to fix his armor,hey littel  kiddo is awake"he asked for  aprochiating her,as she hides her face in ariel's neck
"Don't worry he's a good friend "ariel told her as he rose her and kissed her helm
"Hey littel one what's your name?"he asked with a friendly smille
"I don't remeber? I don't remebre anything"she responded
"You have a beautiful green optics.Kup can we call her Crystal?"ironhide asked
"Yes sure,"kup answered

"Just like your dead littel sister"Ariel added
"Yes,she was similar to her"he smiled sadly
"It's alright bro"a medical 18 y/o put a hand in Ironhide shoulder

"Ratcher hwo's impactor?"Springer asked
"recharging,he was too exausted and unjured after working"

"Thank you,i know that one day you're gonna be the greatest medic in all cybertron"Kup said hugging Ratchet who is a littel shorter than him

"Why not,but you know it has been 1 year since i become a medic"
"Greet things take time,bro,me to you see i still a littel 1 y/o solidier but with the help if Kup i know that i will become a greet weapon specialist one day it's my dream"ironhide said

"Now Crystal,let have dinner all together,shall we,Ironhide,Ratchet,Ariel you all are invited"Kup said rising Crystal in the air,everybody seems to be happy as her

Crystal pov:
Whene i enter the room where they eat i saw a big table with 20 chaires,as i saw a mech called Roadbuster he is 10 y/o and another one 8y/o called Blaster preparing the table as springer(9y/o),helping theme,thene we all set,me beside Ariel as i took her hand and gripp it thighly,she took me on her lap as she kissed my forhelme,i realy start liking her, as everyone especialy springer
"Hwo cute dad,what's her name?"Roadbuster asked
"I'm Crystal last survivor in the clan Taka"i said smilling wildly
"T-Taka!"Blaster said he was shoked
"Why are you like that littel brother"springer said
"I herd remors that told that the last survivor is the monster"he said shily
"Don't ever say that,you know hwo people are,and do you think that this cuty would be a monster?"springer said hugging me,i never was so close to a boy befor but he is my big brother

Blaster just laught and said"The punk they are,of corse no this candy can't be a monster"
"Imposible,hey sweethearth if someone annoyes you just told me ok"roadbuster said  giving me sole energon
"Ok big brother"i said

"They start liking each other,Kup hwo many kids did you adopte?"ratchet asked
"Umm let see,Impactor(12y/o),Roadbuster(10y/o),Springer(9y/o),Grapple and blaster(8yo),Topspine,TwineTwice(7y/o),Crystal,Hotshot(5y/o), Blurr,Perceptor,HotRod(2y/o),exactly 12 healthy kids"he said proudly
I was shoked hwo could he rise all of us,i realy enjoy the dinner with all of theme i was amazed hwo my brothers sparklings are matur,deciplined hardworkers they were just like littel adults,roadbuster told me that kup found theme suffring,abondened,barly dying,or befor they were born,of corse our home was big but we are a medium huge familly,
After eating Ariel and the others cleaned everything i helped a littel but i was to short to put the dishes on the dishwasher,so Grapple helped me i was amazed and realy liked all of theme especialy Springer

Time skip,23:30_______
"Thank you sir the dinner was amazing"ironhide thanked Kup
"Ohh kids you know that you're like my oun children don't forget that"
By that they left
"Kids,go to bed now every two in there rooms"kup said ringing a bell
"Each two?"i asked
"Every two share a room and the same bed"Said Springer,
"Aww i see,is it normal?"i asked
"Yes you know lot of my kids have nightmares so it's important to sleep in security and you know you are brothers don't forget that,and it's help to make your relations stronger"kup answered
"Exept for you we made a room only for you"Springer told me as he draged me to a room next to his and impactor
I opened the door i saw a realy beautiful purple room,with a bed for two
"What do you think sweetie"kup asked
"It's amazing"i answred tears running down my cheaks
"You are my littel princess"kup said rising me and puting me in my bed covering me with a black warm blanket,befor he kissed my forhead,"good night sweet hearth"he said,befor he left the room i shouted

"Yes sweetspark?"
"It's a littel embarasing to say"
"What is it crysty?"
"I'm afraid of the dark and beigne alone i don't know why"i said

"It's fine ratchet told me that you endured a lot so it's normal",

At that moment i took Springer's fist and pull him closer to me and hug him"Stay with me elder brother"

"She's right springer,stay with her only this night"kup said

"Ok as ordered dad and also i also care about her safety"he said
"Good thene good night,don't talk to much the next day will be full of work"kup said as he closed the door,springer sleeped next to me i realy like his company,i have a brother now

"I'm here don't worry,i will chase the monsters for you"he said with a littel blush,as he put me closer to him

"Thank you"i herd his strong hearth beats,and with that i fell asleep

"I love you littel sister"he said kissing me helmet

Crystal Taka(a Transformers oc fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum