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Show me that you really care
That you really care
Show me that you'rе gonna stay
On my worst days
Hold mе like you'll never lеavе
Like you'll never leave
Like you'll never leave

I'll call you mine
Girl in red

You just left this morning

I'm sorry, I had to get to school. I left you a note. Trust me I wanted to stay but I need to study.

Yeah I know that, I wanted you to stay too

Yeah school sucks sometimes but I need to study to become a writer

I also want you to become a writer
Oh, and by the way we are going on tour soon, maybe you could watch a few shows

I would love that Vic
My favourite band playing live and I could be with them after
Sounds amazing

We can talk about the dates and what shows fit you and you could meet the crew

I've already met Damiano, but everyone sounds fun and nice

When are you free?
You could come to rehersals with me

I would like that
When do you reherse?

Tomorrow evening is the closest one

I'll be there


Simones POV
I looked through my notebook once again and saw a small poem. When did I write this, probably when I was half asleep and came up with something. But I was okay I guess. I read trough it and it was about Vic, of course it was about her.

How can she be so perfect?
With shiny hair
And spots on here face
With a perfect body
And good at everything she does
How can she not realize?
How amazing she is
(This is infact a real poem I wrote while half asleep a few days ago)

Damn, poems aren't usually my thing but sometimes I do write them. Mostly while half asleep and not knowing what I am doing.

I just got my period and I have the worst cramps. I'm laying in my bed with my knees at my chin trying to make it bearable.
I also have a lot in school right now so I don't have that much time to write. In quarantaine I had way more time to write then and now I feel bad for not writing.

Texting Love A Victoria De Angelis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now