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Hey, I got back to Rome yesterday. If you're free tomorrow maybe we could go out and have lunch?

That would be fun, I have a 3 hour window between classes from 11:30 to 14:30, maybe we could have lunch then?

Yeah we could, I'll find a good Italian resturant and reserve a table for us. And I could pick you up at the University when at 11:30 and drive you back in time for class

Thank you

A week of school have passed and I'm just wondering if you talked to anyone yet?
If not you should do it before it's to late

I actually did talk to someone. Or multiple people, they were all nice and I'm hanging out with them in school.
This made me sound like a 14 year old girl

We have all been 14 and there is nothing wrong with that

Yeah but none of us are 14 anymore, you are 19 and I'm 18. That means my texts shouldn't sound like a 14-year-old wrote them
I'm a writer for fucks sake

Yeah you are
But I need to know how writing your book is going?

I sent the first draft to several different publishers and some people that would read it and help me figure out what is good and what isn't. And I'm currently trying to fix everything. My first draft have spelling mistakes and unfinished descriptions of things.
It is not how I want it later

Well If you're the one writing it, it must be amazing
That is something I can assure you of

How did working on your songs go?
Did you all fight anymore or was it good between all of you?

Writing went good, there were some fights between us mostly between me and Dami. But overall it was good between all of us.
We finished writing Vent'anni, all the lyrics and all the chords and now we all just need to practice before we can release it

Vent'anni is such a good name for a song and taken in considiration that all the song you have written earlier have been amazing this one must be it too.

It really is, I even started crying when Dami sang it, it was the week before my period but still

Eww periods, I hated mine so much I went on birtcontrol (skipping all the placebos)

I tried going on the pill but it didn't work for me, I tried most of them

I'm just so happy I found something that works for me
But you had your period on tour?

Yeah I did, it sucked, but I'm thinking about getting an IUD

You should

Day 2 in quarantaine and I'm feeling sick
Kill me

Texting Love A Victoria De Angelis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now