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-I'm like a tattoo-
-That's over your heart-
-'Cause once I put this love on you, it never comes off-
-I'm like a tattoo-
-That's under your skin-
-So write my name in cursive 'cause you'll never forget-

Ava Max

Simones POV
Okay, today is the day. I'm getting another tattoo. Or two more tattooes to be exact, and I'm getting them with Vic. The real Victoria De Angelis, famous bassist and a certified hottie. I love the ones I have and I can't wait to have more. My obsession with tattooes is costing more than I can afford and I hate it. Combine that with buying books and you have no money. Luckily I live at home and have no need to pay rent or pay for food. Sometimes can I even convince my parents to buy me books. Right now I'm on my way to the tattoo shop, Vic is meeting me there and I have the support of Ash from my phone.

Hey, your mom is wondering where you left and why I'm here. What should I say?

Say that I'm out with a friend and will be back as soon as possible

I'll do it and hope that she isn't suspicious

And say that you are waiting for me at home

I'll do it and come back to you

Thank you Ash, you're always saving my ass

I know I am
I'm only doing it for the chicken

I know that too

Conversation between Vic and Mone

Hey I'm just asking if it is ok for Dami to tag along. He wants another tattoo and he would love to meet you

Yeah it's fine
I would love meeting the famous Damiano David

Thank you

Vics POV
Damiano that asshole wanted to tag alone, I wanted Mone to say no but she didn't. An angel as usual but I wanted to be alone with her. And how could he turn down a tattoo, he loves them. He have like 10 of them and he loves getting more. The pain calmes him down in a weird way, maybe it has something to do with his past. He self harmed back in the days and I didn't, maybe that is why he likes it more than me. Wait, what if Mone feels the same way? That would suck for her, it is never the right thing and I hope she knows that. It can ruin you life just like any other mental illness, like anorexia and depression.

//How are you feeling today?
Anything happened today?
I'm always here to talk you know that

Texting Love A Victoria De Angelis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now