chapter six

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when mirabel returned you two talked a bit about life, and how things were going. after a bit of talking, mirabel then jumped up.

"oh! i just remembered."

she searched around the room for a bit before finding what she was looking for and pulling it out, turning to you.

it was a blanket that she made herself, with a bunch of different designs on it.

"i made this for you. for helping me out and everything." she handed it to you.

it was really soft. "thank you, mirabel."

"you're welcome!"

that blanket was basically going to be your most prized possession now.


the next day, you hadn't exactly been invited over by mirabel, but you wanted to update her on how the blanket was doing. because it was a gift, and she made it herself and all...

you saw dolores as you were walking around, and you decided to talk to her.

"you still haven't told anyone yet, right?"

she didn't respond.

"i want to be the one to tell her and everything, and—"

"camilo! how many times do i have to tell you to stop pretending you're dolores to get seconds?!" félix was behind you. you jumped.

camilo shifted back into their normal self. "one of these days i'll get away with it." the casita started to shoo him away.

"i haven't told anyone yet," dolores also came up behind you and whispered, causing you to jump a second time. "i mean, i almost told isabela, but she wasn't fully listening."


"you should confess soon."

"but how do i—"

dolores walked away.


"mirabel!" you finally found her. "the blanket is great, thank you!"

"i'm so happy you like it! i worked really hard on it." she smiled, that pretty smile that made you feel all weird inside...

it went silent for a bit, and you were just looking at each other, and she looked so pretty...

this is your chance, (y/n). kiss her.

you slightly leaned in, but then a bunch of animals ran past, knocking you backwards. antonio chased after them.

"sorry!" he said, noticing you fell over. "guys, stop running!" he said that to the animals.

mirabel helped you up. "are you okay?"

"yeah, yeah..."

no matter how much you wanted to kiss her, you still had to think of the right way to confess first... yeah...

a/n did anyone catch the spiderman homecoming reference? no? okay

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