chapter four

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"where are you two coming from in such a hurry?"

"i'll go—" you start to leave, but mirabel reaches out for your shoulder. you stop, turning back around to face her.

"my gift! i'm losing my gift!" you suddenly hear, and you turn around again, seeing luisa.

"what?" abuela asks.

"mirabel and i were having this little talk about me carrying too much, so i tried not to carry so much but i realised it was putting me behind and i knew i was gonna let everyone down and felt really bad so i was grabbing all the donkeys but then when i went to throw the donkeys in the barn, they were... heavy!" luisa ran off, audibly crying.

"what did you do? what did you say to her?" abuela asked mirabel.

why does mirabel always get the blame? you thought. it didn't seem fair at all.

"mirabel didn't do anything," you jumped in to defend her. you couldn't just stay silent. "she did talk to luisa, but—"

bells ring, and abuela says, "i have to go get the guzmans for isabela's engagement. mirabel, stay away from luisa until i can talk to her. tonight we can't have any more problems! and whatever you're doing, stop doing it!"

she then leaves, and both you and mirabel notice luisa's door flicker slightly.

you thought what she said was harsh, but didn't have time to comment on it as you followed mirabel to her room.

both of you pull out the pieces of the vision, starting to put them together.

"why am i in your vision, bruno?" mirabel asks.

"i'm sure it's noth—"

you hear thunder and lightning from behind you, and both you and mirabel jumped, turning to see pepa. you help mirabel to hide the shards.

"tía, jeez," mirabel says.

"sorry, sorry, i didn't mean to—shoo, shoo, shoo—!" pepa pushes the clouds above her away. "i just wanted to get the last of toñito's things, and then i heard the name we do not speak... great, now i'm thundering, and a thunder will lead to a drizzle, and a drizzle will lead to a sprinkle... clear skies, clear skies, clear skies..."

"why don't we talk about bruno?" you asked, and the clouds came right back. "um, sorry! i just... i'm curious."

"we don't talk about bruno, and that's that," pepa simply responds.

"what if you were in one of his visions?" mirabel asked.

"what did i just say?"

you were still curious about the aspect of not talking about him at all, "what did he even do wrong?"

félix suddenly barged in, "his visions were nightmares!"

"félix!" pepa exclaims.

"but how?" you asked. "i don't think they could be bad enough to warrant never talking about him—"

"they were!" félix responded.

"we don't talk about bruno," pepa said.

"what if you don't understand what he saw?"

"then you better figure it out, because it was coming for you!"

then there was an entire musical number about why no one is allowed to talk about bruno. you still didn't understand why, because he simply had the visions, he wasn't the reason they came true. why place the blame on him?

when the song ended, you were back in mirabel's room, piecing the entire vision together with her. you both stare at it, but you stared in a more concerned way, whereas mirabel was full of fear.

"miraboo, got your party pants on? coz—"

you turned around to see agustín, mouth agape. he clearly saw the vision.

"we..." mirabel looked at you for a split second, "broke into bruno's tower, found his last vision, the family's in trouble, the magic is dying, the house is breaking, luisa's gift is fading and i think it's all because of... me?"

agustín keeps staring.


"we say nothing, abuela wants this night to be perfect, til the guzmans leave, you did not break into bruno's tower, the magic is not dying, the house is not breaking, luisa's gift is not fading. no one will know, just act normal, no one has to know..."

the door cracks open. dolores. "i know..."

"she's gonna tell everyone," mirabel said.

"don't worry, everything will be fine, i'm sure of it," you reassured mirabel. but, okay, maybe you weren't 100% sure of it, but you wanted to comfort her. "and... i think now is my cue to leave, so... goodbye. i hope everything goes well."

"...bye, (y/n)," mirabel says. agustín just shoots you a look.

...and then you leave.

a/n grew to live in fear of bruno stuttering or stumbling i could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling 🤨

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