"Why don't we all go inside, it's starting to get dark out here," She turns around, leaving the rest of us to follow her.

When we get to the living room of the house, Becky tells Luca to go up to his room for a bit. That is not a good sign.

"Will," Becky starts, "Why didn't you come to your probation meeting? You know if you don't, it's cause for arrest."

"I already told you," I say spreading out on the couch, "I forgot. I had to go pick up Luca."

Becky gives me a disbelieving look but continues on, "You might have already guessed the reason I'm here, and it's not because of probation."

She takes a pause to look at me. I roll my eyes.

"So why are you here then?" I ask as if I don't already know, "Because I'm not leaving here without Luca."

I try to act confident, even though I know there's nothing I could do to prevent them from moving and leaving him here.

"I know you feel that way Will, and I'm trying my best to let him come with you. But, we've found your father, Will."

"You've what?" I ask.

There's no way they could have found my father. I thought I didn't have one, in fact before this, I knew I didn't have one. At least, not one that would show up in the system.

"We found your father Will," Becky says again, "I know it must sound crazy, but they didn't show up till now because you have a different last name than them."


"Your father and five older brothers-"

"Okay, pause for a second," I but in, "Five older brothers! Are you fucking kidding me, Becky?"

"Language, young man," Adam says, probably trying to seem like a model parent with Becky and Brad there, "Aren't you excited to meet your family?"

"Um, let me think. NO! I don't want to live with them, I don't even know them!" I look at Becky, trying to get her to break and let me stay here.

"I'm sorry Will, but it's already been decided," Becky says, not sounding the least bit sorry.

"Well, I'm not leaving here with Luca."

"Excuse me for a second," Becky says as her phone rings. I watch as she moves into a separate room and closes the door.


Now I'm alone with these two bozos.

"Now, just because you're living with your family, doesn't mean you're not on probation anymore boy," Brad starts as Adam nods from behind him, "I'm still going to come to that house. And if you miss a couple more probation meetings, you're going to juvie.

"I am done with your bullshit about not remembering or being busy. You know that we need to talk about your suspension and that's why you didn't come. While you were out and about 'forgetting' about our meeting, Adam was telling me some interesting things.

"It seems as if you haven't been the most pleasant child to foster, and we all know how that's going to hurt your chances of finding another home. He told me how you changed his body wash to depilatory cream and caused all his hair to fall off."

"Some of it still hasn't grown back," Adam adds. It's funny how he thinks he's making a point, but instead just making himself look stupider.

So of course, I laugh.

Brad and Adam do not seem to appreciate that. Brad hefts himself up and gets right in my face.

"You listen here, you can not speak to Adam that way," Brad speaks in a dangerously low tone as he grabs the front of my shirt.

"Can you please back up before I throw up all over you," I reply, "When was that last time you took a shower? Jesus, Brad. You smell like a dead cow lying in its own shit."

Brad and Adam both look like they want to punch me. They are two peas in a pod.

When I first came to live with Adam, It didn't take me long to figure out that he and Brad were buddies from when they were police together. Whenever Brad came in for his check-ins, they always both seemed like they wanted to beat the shit out of me. Unfortunately for Brad, if he did that, he could get fired. Fortunately for Brad, he could get Adam to do it and no one would care.

Just as I think, Brad might finally crack and hit me. Becky comes back in, hanging up the phone.

"What is going on?" she asks in an accusing manner. Glaring at Brad who is basically on top of me with a fist full of my shirt in his hand.

"Nothing," Brad says as he lets go of my shirt and gives me a harsh 'pat' on the shoulder, "Just reminding him of what will happen if he doesn't come to his probation meeting."

"Well, I just got off the phone with your family Will and they said they would be happy to take Luca in as well," Becky looks a bit flustered, which is very out of character, " I also got Luca's social worker on the phone, and she agrees that it would be best to keep you two together."

It takes a second for this all to dawn on me. I have a dad and five older brothers. And I'm going to live with them. Holy Shit.

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